The Cold

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  (Jack's P.O.V)
  We both managed to make it back to the house unscathed. Well, physically that is. Upon making it to the house, Y/N burst into tears. I quickly ran over and put my arm around him/her, in an attempt to comfort the poor child.

  "Shh, it's ok Y/N. The mean man can't get to ye anymore. Shhhh..." I rubbed the back of the boy/girl. Their eyes and face were red and puffy as they sobbed, burying their face into the crook of my neck. My shoulder was getting slightly wet, but I didn't care.

  "Come on, let's go inside and get some cocoa, ok?" I usher the child inside and into the living room, having them sit on the couch while I went into the kitchen, preparing two mugs of steaming-hot cocoa.

  I re-enter the living room and hand the mug over to Y/N, and they immediately started to gulp it down. 'Good, maybe it'll help clear his/her mind.' I thought to myself.

  Y/N set down the mug, and then sneezed. It was then that I realized how pink their face was. Not red, from crying, but a bright, fluorescent pink. Their nose was especially bright. They had a cold.

  "Aw Christ almighty, ye have a cold. I'm sorry Y/N, I forgot how cold it's been getting since Fall is ending and Winter is coming."

  Y/N sneezed again, and shook their head. "I-I'm ok J-Jack, I just have allergies is all."

  "No, yer sick." I sigh. "Come on, let's get ye some medicine." I take them to the bathroom and grab some cold medicine, pouring it into the cap and handing it to Y/N. "Go on, drink."

  They drink the syrupy liquid and hand me back the cap, which I rinse out and put back on the bottle.

  "Alright, now ye just relax for a while and let the meds kick in." I say softly. They nod and head back into the living room, plopping down onto the couch.

  "Ye wanna watch a movie?" I ask, heading to the movie cabinet.

  "Yes please! Do you have The Little Mermaid?" Y/N asks, eyes bright with excitement.

  I shake my head, a sad expression on my face. "I'm sorry Y/N, but I don't own The Little Mermaid. Or any Disney movies."

  They pout slightly, whimpering like a puppy. I kiss the child's forehead. "I'm really sorry. Is there any other movie ye want to watch."

  They look up at me with a smile. "How about Nightmare Before Christmas?"

  I grin, because I have that movie and love it. "That's a wonderful idea."

  I pop the movie in and sit on the couch by Y/N. They snuggled up next to me, and sick or not, I didn't mind. I hardly got sick anyway.

  The movie was fun to watch. It made Y/N happy, which made me happy.

  Throughout the film Y/N sneezed a few times, me flinching every time. It hurts me to see anything wrong with the poor kid.

  Once the ending credits started to roll, I stand up and stretch my arms and legs with a yawn. "Alright Y/N, bedtime." I look back at them, a pout visible on their face.

  "Aww, do I have to?" They whine.

  "Yes, now come on. Ye'll need rest if ye wanna get rid of that cold of yers."

  I walked with them to their room and they lay down as I tuck them in, giving them a kiss on the forehead and saying good night. Then, I go to my own bed.

  It took around thirty minutes for me to finally become tired. As soon as my eyelids started to droop, however, my door audibly creaked open. I turn my attention over to it and see Y/N, standing in the doorway.


  "What's wrong Y/N?" I sit up.

  "I had a nightmare. Can I sleep with you tonight?"

  I sigh and scoot over, patting the bed next to me. They walk over and climb into the bed, pulling the covers over their head and almost instantly falling to sleep. My eyelids felt heavy, and I, too, eventually dozed of...

~Time skip brought to you by Tim Burton~

  I wake up to feeling hard thumping on my torso. I groan and groggily open my eyes, and see the cause of the thumping. Y/N was jumping on me. "Jack, wake up!" They whined.

  I sigh and the child calms down, allowing me to sit up. I did something I never thought would happen.
  I sneezed.

  A/N: Yas, Chapter 4 is finally out, and I've already gotten more than 50 reads on this story so far, so I just wanna say thank you all so much for your support! I wouldn't have written up to this point without you! But anyways, this is DawnOfDust, signing off. Boi~

One More Level? (Jacksepticeye x Child!Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora