Im coming!

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Sorry for no posts XD

Y/n = your name
L/n= last name
Ytc/n= YouTube channel name
T/n= twitter name
P/n= pets name (it's a dog btw cuz dogs)
H/c=hair colour
E/c= eye colour
S/c= skin colour
M/n= mothers name
D/n= dads name
Ym/d= your merch design
Ftus/k=football team you support kit

~Simons POV BOIII~

"How did u know it was me?" JJ asked
"Because you always take my phone you dick..." I explain. JJ goes out the room laughing... why is he laughing? I go on my twitter dms to see HE HAD BEEN TEXT y/n.

~thus de dms~
(JJ sent them on simons account. Y=your name s.k=Simon aka JJ)

S.k- I fuck boys

Y- we all know Simon but wtf?

S.k- I have a small cock

Y- ???

Y- oh hi JJ


Y-boi I'm a smart a$$

S.k- says the one who didn't finish high school

Y- aww someone watches my vids

S.k- wen u comin?

Y-chill yo tits woman I'm coming now!

~end of dms boi~

I'm going to fuck JJ ( a/n I'm sorry XD)


I got changed into my y/m/d hey while saying that... BUY MY MERCH!!!
"P/n get here girl/boy!" I yell. She comes over to me with her swag stuff on and walk to the train station since i don't know how to drive... I look down to see the time is 12:58 AND IT TAKES 2 hrs to get there and a 20 min taxi drive! Eh... screw it. I step in only to get stomped on fans almost causing me and p/n to fall on the tracks. It got so bad that they had to put me in the VIP even though I didn't pay for it... cool I guess? They put p/n on a rich cushion and but me on a REALLY comfy chair with a tv in front of it... I feel really bad!
"P/n?" I say. She barks causing the train rider employer to drop the drinks all over them self .
"Oh my I'm so sorry ummm..." I read the badge "Linda?" I say awkwardly laughing.
"Oh it's fine" she said with a fake smile. It's obvious her smile is fake, she really hates her job. "Well have fun on virgin train" she says trying to sound joyfully but in reality it didn't as she walked off. Now we wait...

~1 hour through the trip~

Me and p/n wake up to an really posh person hitting me across the head.
"Why is a scrub like you in the VIP bit" the man said. As I saw his face it was my old bully...
"Well nice to see you to Alfie" I say as I pull the hood of my hoodie off me. His face went bright as he saw me.
"Y-y/n is that you" he said.
"Ye" I say while shrugging.
"I'm awfully sorry!" He says.
"What ever you sweaty fish" I say as p/n growls at him as I pull my hoodie hood over me again as he walks away as he says,
"Big fan of your channel by the way..." fucking fag. I decided to go on my phone until p/n starts barking.
"You hungry boy/girl" i says as he sticks his toung out. I get my bag and get my soft treats out as I feed him/her them. I go on my phone and look at fan art. Unlike most Youtubers i love seeing the awesome talents on amazing people. When I was younger I wanted to be an artist but I ended up not being one. I scroll down until I get a text message from Simon.

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