The Truth Be With Us

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Meme// Got one vote on my first chapter waheyyyyy

"Those Twirl wrappers are merely a shell."
Big Wispa didn't break eye contact with Lil' Freddo and Doubledecker as she revealed the truth, her eyes blazing in defiance; Twix just stood there, wondering how Big Wispa could maintain eye contact with two different people at once.

Lil Freddo raised an eyebrow (which is mental because I've never met someone who can actually do that, makes you wonder), "A shell?"

"A shell of what?" Doubledecker interjected.

Big Wispa chuckled. "What would you care anyways? Don't think that I've forgotten about the nougats..."

Lil' Freddo froze.

No, not that.

One mistake.

The one stupid little mistake.

It had cost her everything.

How could Big Wispa bring that back up?

Twix noticing the tension in the group raised her voice. "If we aren't going to sesh then there's no point in being here! Big Wispa just go home! You too Lil' Freddo and same to you, Doubledecker! You're all a bunch of twats I swear."

And with that, Twix began to trek out of the coco fields; not before barging past Lil' Freddo that is. Lil' Freddo grumbled in annoyance, wondering why her demands had struck a cord with the biscuity bar.
With one last glance at her friends, Lil' Freddo gathered her wits about her and called an uber.

This was far from the end.


It wasn't until 23:00 that Lil' Freddo noticed the convenient map that Twix had seemingly placed in her pocket since she's a lazy individual who doesn't get dressed for bed until she gets bored.

The map had obviously been drawn in a rush and Lil' Freddo had to stop herself from ringing Twix to rant about why the fuck she would carry around an exposition map everywhere just to put it in her po-

Yet Lil' Freddo refrained herself from contacting Twix immediately. If Twix was so against telling her the truth in person then why would she respond via mobile? Twix was no keyboard warrior, I assure you.

Sighing, Lil' Freddo instead rang Doubledecker.
She'd started this quest and now she would have to accompany her until they finished it, regardless of how she felt.


The journey to this abandoned milk farm was insane. I'd explain it in detail yet it's too much for the human mind to take (meme// if you aren't human then please inbox me for the full chapter)
There had been honey rivers to cross, toffee mountains to climb and disgusting oreo creatures to defeat along the way with their wits and roasts.
Truly a spectacular trip to behold if you had the chance to behold it.

However, upon arriving to the typical 'X' marked on the map, Lil' Freddo began to feel anxious. Neither she nor Doubledecker had ever seen a milk farm in real life, they'd only heard of them from the media.
It was one of the many things that made chocolate such as themselves so controversial.
Cows being bred and forced to give milk just for the reproduction of chocolate? It was something the dairy community continuously faced prejudice and discrimination on.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2016 ⏰

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