Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Jess's POV

My one of my many crushes didn't like me back. I was devistated because I put my heart on the fucking line and he turned me down. I eventually got enough courage to text him and tell him the truth. 

"Hey, it's Jess from English class :)"

"Hey Jess, whats up?"

"Oh, I just wanted to tell you something..."

"Haha, okay... Spill it."

"I, uhm, I really like you, and I have for awhile..."

"I'm really sorry Jess, but I don't like you like that....."

"oh, uhm, its okay, we can still text right?"

And I got no responce from him. I heard my heart shatter into a million little sharp pieces. I couldn't handle being turned down. So I texted my instagram friend Bre. She knew how to calm me down and help me feel better. 

"Hey Bre, I really need to talk"

I got no answer from her either. But then again it was 11 at night. But its over the break, people should be staying up past 11 not going to bed.

I wanted someone to talk to, but nobody was there for me at the moment, so I looked up to the ceiling in my room, and started talking.

"I really wish that you didn't have to leave so quickly. I really wish you were still here with me. To comfort, to hold me. To make me know who I really am...... I miss you Grandma." 

A few tears slipped out, and I let out a quiet sob.

I  heard my door open, and slightly creak.

In the faint light I saw my brother Josh standing there, and I then knew that he heard my sob, and came to check up on me because he knew that I was still going through a lot of things involving our grandma's death. He slowly approached my bed. I covered my face with my hands and attempting to cover my red eyes and puffy face, and trying to wipe the tears away. He then opened his arms and took me into his arms and hugged me tight knowing what I was crying about.

Josh's POV

I was laying on my bed with one headphone in my ear when I heard a sob. 

I thought it was my sister, but she's tough enough and wouldn't sob.

But then I heard it again.

I got up, paused my music and went towards my little sister's room. I slowly opened the door and it creaked like it normally did. 

I saw her sitting up in bed with her head in her hands and she looked miserable. 

I knew at least one of the reasons why she was crying.

Grandma's death.

Everyone agreed that Jess was the favorite grand-daughter. Or grandchild for that matter. She was constantly sleeping over there, where as I, I hardly went to visit Grandma. And I regret it so much. I've started to visit Grandpa. Now that Grandma is gone, Grandpa has no one to take care of, other than himself. 

I walked towards my sister and sat down on her bed. I wrapped my arms around her and her tears went down her face and onto my bare chest. She needed her big brother and I was gonna be there for her.

A tear slowly fell down my cheek and onto her long brown hair. I missed Grandma too.


Hey you guys! So I finally got a point of view from Josh!

Good? Yes or No?

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