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Barry Allen had gotten home from a shift at the CCPD. He expected to awkward silence and loneliness  and was caught off guard by a loud clattering sound coming from his room. He rushes there as fast as possible at normal speed. He enters the room when all of a sudden, he is pushed up against the wall. Before he can react or tell who it is, this person kisses him. Barry nearly jumps back in shock when he feels cold lips, a winter jacket, a sorta bald head, and blue eyes. It was Leonard Snart. Within a split second, Barry just melts into the kiss. After what feels like forever, they separate. "What was that for?" is the only thing Barry can say. Leonard sighs "Scarlet, It's just. I've always had feelings for you. I just...couldn't express them while there were other people around. I love you Barry." Barry takes a minute to comprehend all the information and says "I love you too Len."

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