Pt. 2

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Barry and Leonard have been secretly dating for 2 months. One day, Barry had to go to S.T.A.R. Labs to work with Cisco. About an hour into the work, Cisco asks Barry "Hey Barry, what's up? It seems like something is bothering you. Wanna talk about it?" Barry looks at him with a confused look. "No, no, no. Nothing's wrong. I'm fine." Cisco immediately calls bullshit on that but doesn't say anything. After about 15 minutes, Cisco accidentally vibes Barry. What he sees makes him pass out. He saw Barry and Leonard on Barry's couch making out. Leonard was pinning Barry's arms above his head so Barry couldn't move at all. Then, Leonard started to take off Barry's shirt. Suddenly, Cisco went unconscious. Barry freaks out because he realizes that he was just vibed and it was so bad that he passed out. He knew Cisco had seen something of him and Snart. After about 20 minutes, Cisco comes back to consciousness. "Hey Cisco, what did you see? Can you tell me?" Cisco looks up at him as if he just saw a time remnant of him. "Y-Y-You and Snart are together? Why didn't you tell any of us?" Barry sighs and says "Yes, we are dating. Tell me exactly what you saw." Cisco scrunches up his face before sighing "You and Snart were making out on your couch. H-He had your arms pinned above your head so you couldn't move at all. T-T-Then, he started to take off your shirt and I passed out." After he sees Barry's facial expression, all he could ask Barry was what happened next. Barry looks away and says...

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