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THIS TOOK WAYYYY TOO LONG TO WRITE!!! Humans. Just to clarify, this was started on July 20th but not finished until now. I've been extremely busy. Choice A won by a landslide. Torchwood, Doctor Who and Harry Potter references, guest appearances, everything! Thank you!


Barry Allen was working with Julian Albert at CCPD when he sees his phone light up on the table next to him. Caitlin was texting him.

CAIT: Hi Barry. We need you here.

BARR: What's going on?

CAIT: The Legends are back with news.

BARR: Ok, I'll grab Julian and run. TTYL


Barry yells over to Julian. "C'mon! They need us at STAR Labs. The legends are back which means Lenny is back!!! Hurry Up." The speedster had told Julian about Lenny when he asked about a picture of the two of them. Julian was rushing around to grab his things before Barry lost his patience and left him to drive there. Just as he finished, Barry grabbed him and ran. A few milliseconds later, they arrive to see the Legends and their friends staring at him and Julian. The Englishman stumbles a bit but pulls himself together. Barry looks to the legends and counts. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8...He quietly chuckles and looks to all of them again. "Hey guys. Is Lenny with you?" He asks slowly. Ray, Martin, and Sara look down at the ground. Everything is entirely silent until Ray steps forward. "Um. Barry. There is bad news." Barry mentally puts the pieces together and scoffs."No." Sara and Martin's eyes remain glued to the floor. His voice cracks. "No". He says weakly as he steps away. "No. This can't be happening. It's not possible." Ray moves towards him to comfort him but Barry moves further away with tears threatening to spill. "I'm sorry Barry." Barry stumbles and falls to his knees. "No. This can't be happening. He promised to be okay." He looks up at Ray. "What happened?" Ray looks to him with worried eyes. "Barry. I don't think this is the best time for this." "JUST TELL ME!" Barry snaps at him causing Ray to flinch along with the others. He spooked himself, causing him to back away even more until he was almost in the hallway. Ray tried to get closer so Barry ran into the pipeline and cried.
---A Few Hours Later---

"Barry." Julian called in a soft voice. No response. Everyone knew where he went. It was a matter of where in the pipeline he was. Julian walks around for a bit until he hears a soft whimper and light sounding cries. He turns the corner to see Barry curled up on the floor crying and whimpering. His shirt is soaked with tears. Julian crouches down to get to his level. "Barry. It's okay. You're okay." He gently whispers. Barry looks up at him with glossy, heart-shattering eyes. "B-But Lenny's not okay. H-He's-" Barry started to choke up and sob again. Julian pulled him close and his green shirt is slowly being drenched with tears. Not that he truly cared about his shirt. He cared about helping a friend in a dark place. He sits with Barry for a bit until the young man cried himself to sleep on Julian's leg. Julian slowly takes out his phone and texts Joe.
Julian: Joe. 911 Star Labs. Barry.
Not a minute later, he gets a text back.
Joe: What happened? Should Iris and Wally come with me?

Julian: I'll explain when you get here. Bring them. Go in the pipe line and walk about 150 feet, make a left. Barry and I will be there.
See you soon.

Joe: Ok. See you soon.

Not 15 minutes later, Joe was walking around the pipeline until he hears Julian whisper. "Over here. Be quiet." He turns the corner to see Julian sitting against the wall with a semi-soaked shirt and Barry laying on his lap with red puffy eyes. Joe kneels down to be eye level with the man. "What happened? Why are the Legends here?" Julian looks to Barry before answering. "The Legends arrived here with news while Barry and I were working. Caitlin texts him about it and we race here. We got here to see all the Legends apart from Snart here. Barry figured it out, freaked, and ran into here. I came to see if he was okay and found him here." Joe looks at his 'son'. "Where was Snart?" Julian looks down at Barry again. "In the wrong place at the wrong time I'm guessing. He had died on one of their missions. 'm truely Sorry Joe." Joe seems to be near tears for his son. Barry started whimpering quietly. "P-Promise me you will return." It broke Julian and Joe's hearts. Barry started crying and whimpering again. That meant he was awake again. He just kept crying until he had soaked Julian's almost dry t-shirt again. His green Slytherin shirt was eternally damned. Then he finally calmed down with the help of his friend and Joe. He eventually found the strength to sit up on his own and speak coherent sentences. After sitting there, mumbling random stuff for a few minutes, he stood up. Brushing himself off and wiping his red eyes of tears with his shirt sleeve. Julian stands up next to him with shaky legs due to them being asleep. Joe eventually stands and they all start to make their way to the cortex where everyone is, including Iris and Wally. When Barry, Joe, and Julian enter the room, you could hear a pin drop. Iris stops talking to Sara and looks to Barry. She runs into him, giving him a huge hug. She doesn't move away until someone clears their throat. Iris and Barry turn to see Barry's best friend and Iris' eye candy, Oliver Queen followed by a man with dirty blonde hair. Iris walks over to them. "Hello Mr.Queen and friend." The dirty blonde man answers. "The names John. John Constantine." Iris continues. "What are you guys doing here?" He looks at Barry. "Felicity got a call from Caitlin saying I was summoned here. John was hanging out with us when he heard something happened to Barry and had to come along. Why is it that we are here?" Barry shrugs and looks to Caitlin. She looks back at Barry. He understands and exits the room with Julian. Caitlin then continues. "Did Barry tell you about Leonard?" Oliver nodded and John shakes his head. Caitlin sighs and goes on. "Well, Barry and Leonard Snart were dating. Before you ask, he is bisexual. Not entirely gay. Not entirely straight. Anyway, Leonard was recruited to join the Legends. Before he left, he promised Barry he would return. As you could guess, that didn't happen. Now Barry needs someone to help him be strong. He broke down and ran before.  That's why I called Felicity. Barry!" Barry walks back in. Oliver and John look to him. Now realizing the puffy red eyes. Neither man says anything.

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