Day 1 - Separation/Reunion

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                It was impossibly dark. Lance could feel the tears falling down his face, the slow movement of the water, and yet he felt so detached from his senses. He took a deep shuddering breath, inhaling debris, and tried moving his arm. A scream exploded from his mouth, uncontrollable. He lurched, his body erupting in pain. Blood dripped; he could feel it, the gross slide down his body. He cried out again, willingly this time, panic dripping into his system like an IV.

                The shudder of the rubble above signaled Lance to stop, his sobbing ending abruptly. He knew not to get his hopes up. The idea that anyone was coming for him had been pushed into the back of his mind, like most optimistic thoughts that passed through. He whined a bit at the screeching metal overhead, dust flying into his wet eyes. And then he couldn't see, the bright light momentarily making him blind.

                "Lance!" A yelp signaled from above him, a voice so indifferent toward him, the moment took longer to register then Lance would've liked. The crashing of metal drowned out the voice, his body aching as broken pieces of his lion were pulled away.

                Before he knew it he was engulfed, warmth surrounding him as his vision steadily came back. He blinked rapidly, red shoulder armor coming into view. He groaned loudly, the pressure of another body making his arm throb in discomfort. His view captor moved back, crying violet eyes meeting deep blue ones. And the relief in those eyes took Lance's breath away, a rare occurrence.

                "You- don't e-ever do that again." Lance's heart squeezed, Keith's disheveled appearance flooded his heart with worry. It registered the other man was shaking, and Lance instinctively raised a hand to touch Keith's face, wincing. Violet eyes overflowed with tears again, quickly grasping at the hand which caressed him.

                Creaking sounded behind the two, a tall figure ducking down beneath the rubble. The black paladin's own eyes were red around the edges, his eyes flipping through emotions in mere seconds. He two moved close to Lance, eyeing him carefully, as careful as one would hold glass. Lance realized it was more for Shiro's sake however, knowing the man was trying to keep it together, to not shatter in front of his subordinates.

                Lance dropped his hand from Keith's face slowly, the red paladin's hands never leaving his. He looked between the two, his body relaxing slightly. To think someone would come for him. The blue paladin caught Shiro's eye then, a smile instinctively surfacing on his face, his dry eyes crinkling with happiness. Shiro's eyes overflowed, a sob wracking his body. Lance grunted a bit, catching both of their attention. His body ached, his arm was probably broken, but he wasn't alone.

Lance reached up, his hand curling into Keith's hair, the other boy startled. He tugged downwards, pulling Keith forward. And Lance will blame it on the moment, but he knows it wasn't. He knows the reason he kissed him and he knew he'd do it again.

And oh he did. One crush of the lips and he was hooked, addicted. Lance surged back in, Keith meeting him half way. His body ached, his arm was probably broken, but he'd be lying if he said he was alone.

As soon as he broke away, eyes opening slowly, Keith's blushing face on display. And even though the boy in front of him had a split lip and black eye, Lance had never seen anyone so beautiful. He turned his head with a wince, eyeing Shiro again. The man in question looked everything but happy, and in that instant Lance knew he'd never be able to choose between them. His entire being hurt as he raised himself with his broken arm, paladin armor getting caught on metal, and grasped Shiro's chin loosely.

Kissing Shiro wasn't nearly as intense as kissing Keith. It was soothing, calming every nerve Lance had on edge. The slow push of his lips, and gentle way he pulled Lance in, had the blue paladin melting in an instant. As Shiro's strong arms looped around him, and tears fell upon his neck as Keith held tightly and cried, Lance knew nothing could now compare to the two men before him. His rash decision that got him into this in the first place, was so much more regretful now.

Lance croaked pulling away from Shiro, "So about Blue-" he was instantly shut up by lips covering his.

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