Day 2 - Movie Night/Game Night

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                It was all Lance's idea. And Keith realized, Shiro and himself must be the only self-control Lance had.

                It started like any other day. Waking up between two cuddling boyfriends, Lance groaning about his recently broken arm; with Shiro refusing to let them get up. The morning breakfast usually beckoned with the half hour, the three lazily making their way to the kitchen, smelling Hunk's wonderful, and unusual, breakfast. Lance would moan about being tired, Keith rolling his eyes but smiling all the same.

                They scarf the food down, thanking the yellow paladin graciously. Then it was on to training. And that was where the days had been differing. Lance's broken arm made it hard to fight, and with the healing pods broken from recent excursions, he was left to heal on his own. This made a very bored Lance, leaving the red and black paladins to look over him. Or else have another problem come from the Cuban's cat like mischief.

                The down time was spent messing with the ship, looking around for things to do. And when Lance walked into the seating area that morning with a deck of cards in his hands, Keith was instantly suspicious on how he'd obtained them.

                "How in the hell did you get that?" Keith droned, pointing lazily at the deck from where he sat resting upon Shiro. Shiro rolled his eyes, looking up from the Altea history book he'd obtained from Allura earlier in the morning.

                "Look with your eyes mullet. It's a deck of cards!" Lance waved the small box wildly, his fingers barely holding on as he flung his casted arm around. He bounced over from the doorway, trying but failing to kick a small table over toward the other two. His smile was infectious, and Keith was happy knowing small things, such as a simple deck of cards, excited their boyfriend.

                He sat up from under Shiro's arm, the other man's adjusted setting his book down. Shiro pulled the table closer once it was in reach, Lance cooing a thank you in his direction. The blue paladin slid down onto the couch next to Keith, hurriedly pulling the cards from their case.

                "So what game do you have in mind?" Shiro asked, a thoughtful hand resting on his chin.

                "Go fish-" "Of course." Keith snickered at the glare radiating from Lance. Shiro attacked from the other side, ruffling Keith's hair, causing a yelp to leave the shorter boy's mouth. Lance smiled at Shiro, and went to work shuffling the cards awkwardly, the bulky cast making the simple process take longer. Keith watched the tan boy, Lance's tongue unconsciously peaking from his mouth in concentration. He smiled fondly, glancing back at Shiro who slid an arm around his mid-section.

                "That's a new one." Shiro chimed in after a moment, pointing toward a picture drawn on Lance's already sharpie filled cast.

                "Pidge drew it, I'd say it's a pretty realistic dick pic." "Like you would know what a dick looks like." Keith snorted, Shiro's come back, causing Lance's face to heat up.

"Excuse you. I have seen several dicks in my life time." "Mhmm." Shiro sounded uninterested, the hand on Keith's waist moving around him to rub Lance's arm in a soothing motion.

                Lance pouted in their direction, as he handed the cards over. "Just humor me this once please." He whined, setting the rest of the deck on the table in front of them. Keith side eyed the cards in his hand, glancing to Lance, the determination in the blue paladin's eyes as he looked at his own cards causing Keith to smile unconsciously, the other boys simplistic and optimistic attitude getting to him whether he liked it or not.

                Lance bounced back on the couch, his shoulders hitting the back of the couch with a thud, as he leaned on Keith. "What cards do you hav- umff!" He was cut off with a kiss, Lance's face promptly pushed away by the black haired boy's hand. "Sneak a peek at Shiro. Like hell you're getting a look at min-" Lance made a fart noise, spitting with the force.

"Excuse me." Keith puffed up.

"You've cut me off way more than I usually do to you; I have to make up for it!"

Shiro sighed from Keith's other side, standing up swiftly. He slid a hand in between them, easing down into the couch between them.

"So." He started, changing subject smoothly like Shiro always did. "Go fish huh? Lance do you have a Queen?" Lance sputtered, his face growing red.

"How'd you know I have a queen?! That's absolutely unfair." And there he went fighting the outcome like he always did. Keith rolled his eyes leaning into Shiro's side.

                He'd be kidding himself if he said he disliked their banter. He'd be kidding himself if he said he disliked Lance at all in general. He'd be kidding himself if he didn't enjoy Shiro's calming presence. To think he was once social awkward and now shared so much of himself with two other people.

He'd be kidding himself if he said it wasn't the best thing to happen to him.

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