Day 3 - Winter Decorating/Snow Day

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Shiro was the one who decided to start keeping track of Earth time, the days usually untraceable as the sun didn't exactly set while floating through space. He'd originally done it for Lance's sake, the boys homesickness getting the best of him while he was still recuperating from his accident a month or so before.

What Shiro however wasn't expecting was how close to Christmas it actually was, originally starting their journey in the early summer months. And while he didn't know how the other paladins would react he didn't assume it would be like this.

He entered the sitting room, a mug of- some type of warm drink, in his hands. He yawned a bit looking down toward the dark blue liquid, squinting at it. His space bubble was however interrupted, a festive Lance coloring his vision.

"SHIRO!" He yelped, causing the taller man to almost drop his drink. He pulled the drink closer to his chest, hunching over a bit to protect it. Lance slithered his way closer, smiling up at Shiro as he caught the man's lips. Shiro sighed into the kiss, a smile splaying across his face in fondness. As Lance back away, he pointed to the side, snickering.

Shiro turned a bit, drink still in his grip, and noticed Keith, bundle of mistletoe in his hands. He wore a disgustingly celebratory Christmas sweater, lights blaring off it like a Christmas tree. His face however was anything but festive, if anything just a slight bit red. "Mistletoe!" Lance chimed in, stating the obvious as he bounced off to help a giggling Hunk set more lights around the room.

Keith walked closer to Shiro, pressing a kiss to the man's cheek gently. "I haven't seen him this happy in a while." Keith whispered moving toward the back of the couch to set down the mistletoe. He brushed some of the left over plant from his hands, turning toward Shiro again.

Shiro shuffled toward Keith, his eyes on their bubbly boyfriend dancing around the room in deer antlers and a bright green sweater. "How'd you even get Christmas decorations?" Shiro asked, still slightly dumbfounded by the warmly lit room and abundance of festive apparel.

"Coran had some stuff synthesized?" Keith phrased it as a question, "I mean I think that's what happened." He waved it off, pointing toward Shiro's drink, a questioning stare directed at the Japanese man.

Shiro sighed, handing the brown mug over, a small smile gracing his tinier boyfriend's features. Shiro shook his head a bit, ruffling the other's hair as he stepped over the couch back, sliding down into the newly added green and red cushions.

"It's not a bad look at least." Shiro shrugged a bit, glancing around the room once more. The table in front of him had white candle already lit, the walls around him covered in everything from Christmas lights, to wreathes and tinsel. The lights were dimmed as well, the candles and newly made fire farther into the loft casting an orange glow. It made Shiro's chest tighten a bit, remembering December days on Earth, but he considered these people his family now and he would do anything to share the holiday with them, in any fashion.

He turned back toward Keith, the boy in question watching the blue and yellow paladin adjust things to their liking around the room. Shiro reached an arm out, pulling the other down into the couch, a squeak leaving Keith's mouth, a rare occurrence. Shiro snickered, helping the other adjust into a sitting position, his arm sweeping down and engulfing the smaller of the two. And as Shiro looked down, Keith's face intensely more red than before, he pulled the boy closer.

"Lance!" He called, beckoning the other over. And Lance was skipping over in an instant, sitting down upon Shiro's lap without even being prompted.

"So Santa~" Lance started, causing Keith to snort loudly through his nose. "I'd definitely enjoy some presents this Christmas, but we all know I've been a bad boy." That one made Shiro choke on his drink, the warmth burning his mouth. "So if you wouldn't mind can I at least get a kiss?" He tapped his cheek. Shiro looked at the tan boy a minute, Keith shaking in his arms as he laughed; Lance's own face red from running about the room.

Shiro narrowed his eyes a bit, smirking as he turned the boys head forcefully, kissing him deeply. Keith gasped beside him, a hand grabbing his t-shirt. Lance's eyes were still open in shock but he easily fell into the kiss, his eyes closing daintily. The Cuban boy's hands made it to Shiro's hair, a tongue sliding into his mouth. The way Lance's body melted into his arms signaled the boy had finally calmed down, his body having been tense for weeks, dreams of Earth plaguing him recently. He knew from then on he'd do anything to keep the blue and red paladin this happy for the years coming.

All Shiro could hear from then on was Pidge's sassy voice chiming in as they strut into the room. "Jingle bells, Jingle bells; I think Shiro's gay. Oh what fun it is to watch this intensely homo display."

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