Chapter Two

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[Picture of Shaliene Woodley who plays Melissa. Also edited by @burning_ ]

Snowman: Chapter Two

"Hun, remember to dress up warm-"My mother spoke as if I was still a child although I have a child of my own. She really needs to stop talking to me as if I’m a teenager, I really don’t need to be taken back to those years. Please, no.

"Okay, okay mom. I am a mother now and I'm able to dress myself, as well as my child." I chuckle just thinking of the horror on her face right now. Talking on the phone with her as its ups and downs after all. She'd be stomping off somewhere if we'd be talking face to face.

"Please Melissa, you’re scaring me. You’re making me sound old and yourself, may I add." She replies, sending laughter between the two of us. She's not wrong, I’ve become older and so has she. We’re both old, sort of. I will always feel younger compared to my mother.

Having a child makes it ten times worst and especially when all your friends are saying they’re too young for any children yet. Of which, many of my friends are older than I am; besides I act as if my mother is my best friend and we've always been that way. Even when she'd ground me or put me on the naughty chair, I started to think I could do that to her as well. I'm hoping I'll never have to tell Ryder to sit out on the naughty chair like my mother had to with me.

"I got to go now, mom. I love you and I'll see you in a couple days for supper." I say into the phone one last time before hanging up, barely letting her to say the final words. The fright I'll get when she brings this up in two days at supper.

Ryder came running into my bedroom like a bat in hell, nearly tripping and falling flat on her face, which wouldn’t be a good thing. She jumps on the bed beside me and lies on her stomach giggling. I can tell she's excited about making that snowman today. She has talked non-stop about it all last night and what was of this morning.

All I know is that we can't make one outside the house for the two stupidest reasons ever. One is that we don't have enough lawn space to move around it and that means there’s barely any snow covering the front of the house. It's basically all pavements and a parking spot for the car I never got. It was clearly stupid of me to buy a house with a car spot if I don't have anything to put there. Ryder's play toy is the only car I'm ever coming close to having.

"Mommy, I'm super excited to go out in the snow with you." She squealed, smiling and giggling with all odds. She's a quirky girl and hardly ever stops talking. She sometimes even talks to herself, after all she gets that from my mother. "It’s going to be the best day I’ve had in months."

"Visiting family wasn't fun?" I asked her and started to play with the ends of her hair. The idea of visiting people probably doesn't sound fun to a four-year old, but I've always enjoyed it when I was around that age. I always have.

She shakes her head and laughs at herself. "Not really, mama. It's boring and none of them ever have children my age."

Without a response, I ignored my daughter and stood up from my bed. Even though I'd love to stay in bed the whole entire day, I have to feed for two people. What I'd do for a maid or even if Ryder could reach the cereal shelve, which she's unable to do so without jumping on my cabinets.

Ryder followed me into the kitchen and got busy with some toy of hers lying around. I'm not the neatest person you'd ever meet and nor is my daughter. Which means the house is a trash bag and we'd never notice until someone comes over.

"I'm going to make some pancakes and we'll go build that snowman, alright honey?" I said, with a slight smile. Making my daughters eyes basically sparkle as she started jumping for joy around the kitchen.

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"Mama, you’re doing this all wrong." Ryder mumbled and got in front of me to able her chances of rolling the snow into a bigger snowball to make the snowman's bottom. "Same with you Auntie Erika."

It's a habit that Ryder was dragged into calling her that, she'll probably be calling her that until she's old enough to be embarrassed, it'll probably hit at teen years. I'm terrified for that to come of course.

Erika laughed and patted her on the back, Ryder giving her a twisted glare before giving the snowman her attention again. I'm surprised she hasn't named the thing yet like she did with the birds at the park or she even named the bus we took before.

Luckily Erika was free to come outside with Ryder and I today. I don't exactly have much many friends and that’s only because I don't always have time to do things. I mean, I would if I’d never had a child, plus a job. Paying the bills doesn’t always look as easy as it sometimes seems. Especially with the job I currently have.

"It’s finish, ta da!" Ryder screamed out, calling the attention of Erika and I. The whole park probably heard that and now will look to see our snowman.

The both of us turned to see the incomplete snowman Ryder had made. It's not exactly what you'd call finished, there was only the three snow balls piled on top of each other without any eyes or even a carrot to place as his nose. I would probably hate to wreak my daughter’s happiness, but the snowman is looking a little naked.

"What about the carrot for the nose?" Erika questions before I have a chance and points to the snowman’s head, showing her around where to place it. "And the scarf?"

"Mommy said she brought a scarf and hat." She replied while smiling. I took the scarf and hat from out of my purse, handing them to her. "But I forgot about the nose."

"I think there’s a food cart not far from this part of the park. I'll go with you and leave mommy here to watch the snowman?" Erika offered. She was looking over towards me and she’s obviously questioning me if this is okay. I nodded. "Let’s go sweetie."

Ryder waved and grabbed Erika’s hand, then to two of them went skipping along. I trust Erika with Ryder of course, but I don't exactly trust my own daughter with Erika. She might not even get back here today especially since she's with Ryder. I worry big time when I bring her to day care almost every day.

The snow that has fallen overnight is now making the ground wintery white and deeper then yesterday. Although I love the snow and the cold, I hate shovelling and that may be why I'm lucky I don't have a car to have to shovel the driveway for. Maybe that's my reason why.

There's a great chance we'll get even more snow with all these powerful cold weather warnings we’re having lately and hopefully the rain won't come until spring this year. It's only a couple days since Christmas, Ryder and I would be proudly grateful for the snow as long as it stays.

The footsteps behind me awaked me from my thoughts. Erika and Ryder can't be back already, can they? If it was, they would have been screaming from miles away. Maybe that person is causally walking pass or I'm plain out hearing things.

Instead of bothering, I bent down noticing the few rocks beneath my feet and picked a few up for the snowman standing in front of me. He could use eyes and a few buttons going down his naked icy body.

"You make snowmen?” A deep voice said from behind me, followed by a chuckle. I turned around bitterly and placed the rocks I'd collected back into my coat pocket.

"I was building it with my-"

"Mommy, mommy!” Ryder called out and soon enough I could hear her footsteps behind me. She wrapped her arms around me when she saw the strange man, of which I was speaking to.

"Yes daring? Do you have those other rocks we needed?" I quietly asked whilst grabbing a hold of her hand. She nodded, and I stared at the man standing with a harsh glare. I needed a signal to show this guy I'm not totally insane and the snowman is someone else’s idea. "Let's finish this snowman."

"Snowman,” The odd man whispered to himself. I'm pretty sure he’s crazy. "I'll see you around, snowman."

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