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Thank yous and stuff will be posted shorty after you've read this. Your all amazing and I failed to see who to dedicate this too, so I never. It's all because of the readers, voters and commenters :D 

*sobs because this is over*

[Unedited. No picture on the side yet]

Snowman: Epilogue

Two years, exactly. It's hard to believe that two years ago I first met Harry and everything pretty much changed my life forever. As chichè and fluffy as it sounds, I've spoken the truth. I would probably not be where I am today if that had never happened.

I would've have opened myself up to someone such as Harry, finally quit my job at the office, been able to pay for Ryder's skating lessons, or found someone who I truly love and want to be with forever. For real this time. A lot of things can happen in a little over two years and it has been a rocky couple years, although these two have made up for them.

Three months it took Harry and I to let each other officially start dating. We half expected more, but could not do it. It wasn't more then a year later when we knew we truly loved each other. As you can tell, we've taken it at our own pace and let it go in the direction it wished. I'm glad which route it took, because so far everything is going well. A few bumps along the won't has not been able to harm yet.

Ryder is now five and already in Kindergarten. I'm glad that she's fine with me starting to date again and takes a liking in Harry, more then she did before. She's still visiting her Dad every now and then, just like she has been doing. I didn't see it coming, but she has started taking a great likely in Figure Skating and I'm very lucky to be paying for the lessons. Mostly because of all the help with Harry and Erika with finding me my dream job. I may be calling that right now, but who knows if that's truly the ideal job for me. Right now it fits perfectly. 

 Skating is one of those things I've known how to do for years, but never bothered to try until Ryder fell in love with it. She's only five and doing much better on skates then I've ever. I can see her going far with skating and I'll have plenty of reasons to be proud of her. Another lifesaving is having a little extra me time, without stressing about work or Ryder. Where Harry still has the busy collage life, I have all the time I need for myself. A little more then I want honestly. 

"Can you believe this is our second New Years as a couple?"Harry smiled. The question sounded mind blowing and I guess I never took it that way. It's three if you really think of it, not as a couple though. The first New Year Eve I meet him was when I was begging for him to leave and now look how that worked out. And now were cooking dinner for our families on New Years day. 

Since Harry is still living in his small apartment, we've decided to make dinner at my house. I'm already hot from all the warm air swimming around the place and I don't want to open the window feared it get to cold. I'll probably end up doing it though. 

"Hard to believe I've been with you that long."I replied back to Harry's statement and planted a kiss on his cheek. Harry was cooking the meal and I've decided to make a dessert, nothing big. Just some crepes and I'll have fruit to go along with it; whip cream too. Yum. "Time is going fast, huh?"

He nodded, agreeing. "Very fast. I could have swore just the other day I met you." I cracked a laugh and placed my free hand on Harry's shoulder. He was cooking away, trying to make a perfect meal for everyone to enjoy.

Snowman ✔ harry auWhere stories live. Discover now