Chapter Fifteen

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Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! It came earlier then the last, huh? This chapter is dedicated to @morganhill873 for reading and voting on this story. Thanks a lot for that, means so much to me. 

On the side is another gif of Harry :D Just watch it over and over again, because you can. I did it myself. Now remember to vote and comment :)) 

Snowman: Chapter Fifteen

Car horns and yelling people, are all I can hear in the mornings. The downsize of living in New York. I've got used to it since I've lived here all my life, but travelling to visit my Dad and Grandparents always seem so peaceful. When I was younger, I had wished to leave New York and live in a relaxing tiny town, maybe in a different state. But, that may never happen now. Never did I expect my life turning into this.

I finally seized to open my eyes and turned to see a purple wall, which is not my bedroom's wall colour. It took me a second to realize I gave my bed to Harry last night and his still probably in my room now. My phone time is saying noon and I'm still exhausted. Harry and I had to been up for at least until three in the morning, just chatting randomly and watching reruns of Friends. I don't even remember who wanted to go to sleep first, or even if the snow had stopped. Which it now is still snowing, not as bad as last night though. 

My mind has been deciding without I should leave the bedroom or stay here until I hear Harry. Then again, this is my house and I have the right to go eat dry cereal right now if I wish'd. The door creaked open and it felt that my footsteps were making the floor shake, even when tip toeing. Trying to keep Harry is not an opinion anymore, since his sitting down at the kitchen table with a piece of toast in front of him. 

"Good toast?"I quietly joked, wrapping my arms around my body and went towards the cabinets to get my food. Harry must have not heard me and suddenly turned around, smiling cheek to cheek. He may have not comb his hair or done anything besides getting dressed, but he looks just as good as any normal day. Me on the other hand, my hair is put up in a ponytail and makeup smudged up around my eyes. 

"You got a creative bread collection."Harry refers to the many breads I have put in my fridge. Whole wheat, raisin, smart, and blueberry bagels. I'm sure me and Ryder gets enough bread throughout the run of a day. Especially Ryder, she's obsessed with bagels and grill cheeses. "When did you get up? Just then?"

I nodded. "Yeah, a few minutes ago and I thought you were still asleep. Did the noise outside wake you? Living on the nosy part of town sucks." 

"It was pretty nosy, but no, I woke up before hearing people screaming for taxis. My alarm went off for school, although it's a weekend. I just couldn't seem to get back to sleep again and I hope you don't mind me going through your fridge?"He replied and instantly looks worried. "I'm so stupid- i'm sorry for going through you're fridge!"

Laughing at Harry is normal now and i'm not even laughing at something he said, sorta. Harry thinks I would be mad for him to look through my fridge. It's not like I have anything bad in their, just normal food and drinks. I would never care for anyone to browse through my fridge, unless the person was a robbing my house and then maybe the situation would be different. 

"Harry, don't worry 'bout it."I sighed, nearly crying from laughing. Harry laughed it off to and placed his dirty plate into the sink, looking confused what to do next. "Why didn't you wake me?"

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