Important Author's Note

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When I was reading back on my mistakes (with the whole Eva/Goldie thing) I noticed a few more mistakes. 

For example, I wrote that some 'short brown-haired girl with green eyes flung a few knives at a dummy and they all landed in the same spot or something' which was obviously Clove if you hadn't realised, but I changed the plot because I was planning on Clove being from 2 and Emily from 1 but I decided to change that and make Emily from 2.

To readers who've started reading my book, sorry if you got confused at some part and just ask me whatever you're confused about in the comments.

I'd also like to say thankyou for reading my book. I actually have no idea why you read this - like seriously what sort of title is 'Cato x Reader'. I have trouble coming up with titles and summaries but now I'm just going on and on, like seriously I could talk forever.

Anyways bye and thanks again!

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