Chapter Six

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I know Vlad's changed but hearing that he's killed someone still hurts. I didn't know he even knew about the merpeople that live here.

"So you know what's going on with him?" I ask her quietly.

"Not everything, but when I looked at him last he really wasn't himself."

"I know, Aster I need your help," I say and sit by the pond's edge.

"I can't help with Vlad," she sighs and I don't know Aster that well but I can tell that she really wants to help.

"I think you can," I start and hold up my hand as Aster opens her mouth, "Hear me out. Vlad stayed in my house right? You can tell me what he was like."

Aster narrows her eyes and then reaches out for my hand. I'm confused but let her, Aster can tell the truth about someone just by touching them. Apparently it's a common skill for mermaids but I don't get to meet many of the kind.

Aster's eyes have closed during the inspection but she breathes softly and her eyes open. There's a slight flash of gold before it disappears and her eyes return to their normal sea green.

"Well that is interesting and I have to agree with you. I think Vlad can be saved and yes, I'll come with you."

"I haven't even asked you yet."

"But you will," Aster asks with her wicked grin.

"Are you physic are something?" I sit down and dangle my feet in the water.

"Nothing like that, I just know you," Aster smiles and pats my knee. "You have a good heart. You want the best for everyone."

"Seriously Aster, you know I'm not pure hearted."

She tilts her head at me, "Close enough oh Angel of Churchill." She's all serious and then spoils it by laughing.

She's got an infectious laugh and despite everything I can't help but laugh along with her. She splashes water at me with her powerful tail and I go to kick water at her but see that she's disappeared under the surface.


I stand up and start walking away slowly. There's a wave that splashes the backs of my ankles, I turn and see a teenager walking towards me.She's not wearing shoes but still wobbles around like she's drunk. I know who she is though.

"Hello Aster, where did you get those clothes?" I ask in disbelief.

She looks like an eighties throwback but it works for her in an odd kind of way. The only thing that's missing is the perm, her dark blue hair wouldn't curl if her life depended on it.

"Asher got them for me," she looks at her bare feet and I can hear the emotional catch in her voice.

I try to cheer her up but I don't know how well it works, so I give up,"You look amazing though."

She smiles weakly and something tells me that it isn't just Asher that she's thinking about.

"He wasn't himself when he killed Asher," I say softly. "I know it won't help but he left you alive."

"I know," Aster sighs, she lifts her head and she's crying. "But Vlad was so sweet, he spent some time with me before you know...and I started to fall for him." She smiles somewhat sheepishly. "Blaise,I think I loved him, he had so much potential."

I don't know why but I hug Aster, neither of us are huggers, and she hugs back. I wasn't expecting that, but it's nice that we can give each other some basic human comfort. I think I'm getting some sort of idea about saving Vlad, but I don't want to say anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2016 ⏰

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