11. Criminal Mind (Part 2)

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"Here he comes," Leena said as she watched Tyrell walking hurriedly towards her.

She was standing near the elevator waiting for him for past half an hour, but she wasn't alone. Anila looking pretty in her white knee length dress, hair tied in a side plait was giving her company, both waiting for their dates to join them.

"Come on, we are late," said Leena opening the elevator door, "Doctor, Ira and everyone's on the bus already."

"Alright, I am coming," he said walking into the elevator after her.

"You guys carry on," said Anila, "Ruchin isn't here yet."

Tyrell didn't flinch nor he did he change his expression on hearing her boyfriend's name. Instead he pressed the elevator's OUT button trying to get out.

"Where is he?" Leena asked, placing her hand against the edge of the door stopping it from closing.

Tyrell pressed his eyes. There was a certain anticipation running inside his mind. He so wanted to get out of there before Anila could find out the truth but Leena was making it difficult.

"He told me he was going to the bathroom for the final touch ups but it's been so long," Anila answered, "Hey Kissler, you didn't happen to see him there, did you?"

Tyrell turned his expressionless face towards her, "What? Ruchin? No, I did not see him. Leena, let go your hand."

She scowled at him hearing his stern voice. Then slowly took her hand off the door.

"Don't be late," she said to Anila through the closing gates and the elevator began to roll, taking the two of them up to the ground level.

For about a few second Leena was quiet but Tyrell found her fidgeting a little.

"Are you sure you did not see him?" she asked him unable to control her curiosity, "weren't you in the bathroom all this time?"

"I wasn't in the bathroom," he lied again.


"Enough," he shot her a look, "Stop asking questions."

"Alright," she said quickly, "Don't be mad."

Elevator stopped rolling and they quietly stepped out of it. Maintaining a strained silence between them, they quickly walked past the orphanage and then the mermaid white marbled fountain.

Weather was gorgeous today-clear sky with a few fluffy clouds making the blazing sun friendly, ambient temperature was hitting their skin and sweet fragrance of Florida winter was there. Despite of Tyrell's rude behavior towards her, Leena was quite cheerful. It seemed to last an eternity since they had partied with Pruthvi and Celina in their favorite venue they were about to go now.

"Wow! What a nice day!" Leena kept reciting all their way to the parking lot beside the sidewalk. Except her recital, it was too silent out here, and to Tyrell it was kind of a silence before a chaotic storm.

"You know we are going by your car, right?" she asked as she stood near the baby pink Chevrolet Bel Air.

"I know," he said without looking at her and taking his key out of his pocket.

Tyrell's job was to search for the remaining eleven Samagraha which now he was done with. Imposter Tanvir certainly bared all the expenses for him to travel all around the country and as soon as he had turned sixteen it was Anmol who had gifted him with this car atleast to travel to nearby places. It was only Tyrell, who owned a personal transportation vehicle. Others, including Doctor and Ira travelled by the minibus parked beside his car, driven by the Blythe. It was his job to work as a driver, although Tyrell always teased how his short legs managed to find the brakes.

(Book 3) Hayden Mackay and The Shaatrumani StoneKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat