16. Clan of Matsyasvi (Part 2)

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First, I frowned at his statement and then my answer was replied in a most dramatic way. The water from the pool splashed upfront, shooting more than five giant fishes up in the air. My mouth dropped watching the abnormally large fishes, their tails silky and with shimmery scales, their bodies...wait a sec...

I involuntarily took a step forward, my eyes enlarging like never before. My mind reeling, unable to comprehend the images my eyes were sending. I looked away and then looked back only to find out if I wasn't imagining. But it was so real.

As two of those fishes glided from the pool and settled on the rock of the mountain, I got the opportunity to watch them closely. Their tails were fish-like but their bodies were human, their hair was golden in color, unlike Ashwanth who had jet black normal hair.

I looked back at Ashwant who was staring at me with a lifeless grin.

"What is going on?" I asked, my voice came out as a trilled whisper, sending shivers all over my body.

"Hayden, I know it's going to be too much for you and clearly you know nothing about it. So just relax and listen. We are mer-people. We are the Clan of Matsyasvi."

I stood frozen at the spot. My mouth hanging wide open and I wasn't sure if I was even breathing. What different kinds of people this Paramarashtra is filled with!

"Surprised, are we?" Ashwant asked.

"Surprised?" I said, raising my single eyebrow, "Try shocked, more like electrocuted."

"You come from Paramarashtra Hayden, the place where...."

"The place where anything can happen," I finished his sentence, and forcefully accepting it, "I have been told that before."

He swallowed and scratched his forehead. He wanted to tell me more, but he seemed to be fighting for where to begin with.

"You are one of these?" I asked, trying to make things easier for him.

"Yes," he replied, "I am a merman."

"Does Doctor know about it?"

"Of course he does," he said, now starting to move towards me, "He is my father."

"Yes, he is your father. Oh my God, Is he one too?!"

If he says yes, I am going to kill myself.

He smiled reading my incredulous expression. "He adopted me, remember? So, no, he is not one of us."

Okay good, I live.

If he was to tell me that Doctor was a merman too, I was sure I wouldn't be able to trust him anymore. First he hid my family lineage, then I had to get scolding from a lion for not being aware of the story of Lady Chandrika. He lied to me about not knowing why I was called The Fire of Vengeance. And now, how in the world can he hide this big secret about his son?

I averted my eyes from him trying to digest the fact that I was standing before the person I always knew but not his originality.

"Hayden, are you okay?" Ashwant asked.

Guess I was quite for too long.

"You know what?" I said, "I have been dreaming about Zarina Khan a lot these days but I so wish this is a dream too."

"You are dreaming about Zarina Khan?"

"THAT IS NOT THE POINT!" I shouted, anger appearing to swell, "Why did Shourya attack you? What did that man mean he couldn't save it?"

Ashwant folded his hands before he said, "Now that you know about me, I don't think there is any harm to tell you."

"Seriously? Were you still thinking to hide from me?" I asked, trying not to be sarcastic.

(Book 3) Hayden Mackay and The Shaatrumani StoneKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat