25. Grave Decision

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Above was an unbroken layer of grey and white clouds, sun completely consumed in the thickness of the clouds.

Tyrell had pretended to sleep for a while, needing some space from others. In reality he was far away from sleep. He was standing near the guest room's window, trying to focus on the fine view-children of the maids and other workers playing hopscotch, Sharad's knights busy with their horses, cleaning and grazing them. He spotted Dhanunjay and his father walking towards the minister's quarters, immersed in a serious conversation with each other. There was something in the afternoon's air, helping him evaporating his concerns about whatever he had learnt in the recent times.

He closed his eyes, and drew a lungful of cool air in quiet contemplation. His insides relaxed with a thought that he should stop brooding on something that was unchangeable and nothing was his fault for him to feel guilty. He thought about love, the people he cherished and certainly about the right thing to do now.

Stop thinking about love.

His mind interfered at once, altering his thoughts. It began reminding him to not to forget that he was betrayed by everyone he gave most importance in his life.-starting with his mom and Doctor. He hated to even think that it was Jyran who had made him familiar with the truth. It was only him who had made him free of all the unnecessary bondings in his life and how peaceful he was for atleast a day or two. He wasn't sure if he could carry the burden in his heart, that he was actually someone else's son.

That reminded him of the day he had met Zarina Khan for the very first time in the prison who commented rashly on his mother.

"Running away from situations?" she had said, "Did your mother teach you that?"

Hot tears emerged in his eyes thinking about his beautiful mother. Unable to bare the pain, making a tight fist he punched on the wall to propel away his


A voice surfaced in the room, and he turned around startled. But there was no one in there with him. He was all alone.
"Son, come to me!"

The voice was a whisper, filled with urge and temptation, possessing Tyrell with an indication to chase it down. He walked around the room and sat on the bed, clutching the bedspread tight, as in a constant need for a touch and assurance that everything was happening only in his mind.

"Find me! Locate me!"

Tyrell fidgeted, rubbing his hand, placing them between his knees, wiggling and squirming them. Itching sensation on his temples was nudging him to at once stand on his feet, walk outside the door and keep walking till he found the source of the voice.

The tempting voice echoed in his ears again and again. Tyrell pulled his hands up and slapped them hard on his ears. But it was useless and he thought it wasn't going to stop until and unless he did what he was asked for.

Go for it. His mind commanded him.
Jyran impelled me, I shouldn't do it. His soul tried to confront.
I said, go for it.

His body was enslaved and he was helpless. He wiped his last tear that was about to fall. He stood upright and firstly walked towards the couch to grab his blazer. He took a step towards the door and the one he was most afraid to encounter did come over to stand before him like a wall.

It was Leena who dashed inside the room, her face glowing with happiness.

"Tyrell!" she exclaimed, enthusiastically, "Thank God, you are awake. I have been dying to tell you. Pruthvi and Hayden, they are back, with Nazira Khan. Ooo! I can't wait to introduce myself as her brother's girlfriend. They wanted to meet you but I told them you were resting. Hayden is in the dining room talking to Doctor. And Pruthvi, he is so hungry... like a dog, I don't know why."

(Book 3) Hayden Mackay and The Shaatrumani StoneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz