<<Chapter 02>>

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<<One Week Later>>

The events of Winter Cup were still blowing over.

Since that fateful night in Seirin's gymnasium, neither Kuroko Tetsuya or Narumiya Satori returned.

Like she had been told, Aida Riko had found two resignation letters on her desk the morning after.

Kuroko and Satori had never returned to class either.

Kagami Taiga, Seirin's ace, was concerned to find that the Phantom didn't come to class, day after day.

Slowly the guilt of hurting Kuroko began to settle over the basketball team.

None of them could apologize. They didn't know where the blue haired teen lived. Kuroko couldn't be contacted by phone because it was out of order. Not even Satori could be contacted.

It was like the two had disappeared.

Like they didn't even exist in the first place.


Kagami sat in the club room, while the upperclassmen finished changing. His eyes stayed trained on the door, waiting for Kuroko to try and sneak in.

But the Phantom never came.

"Tch." Kagami clicked his tongue in annoyance. Though the guilt settled at the pit of his chest.

"Oi. Kagami." Hyuuga called, sighing. He watched as the redhead looked at him. "He's not coming." The captain stated bluntly. He, too, was guilty of hurting Kuroko. Everyone was.

"I know that!" Kagami retorted harshly. He stood up and stalked out of the club room.

The second years looked at one another.

"Kagami seems to be the one that's affected the most." Tsuchida sighed. He closed his locker.

Izuki Shun pulled his practice shirt over his head. "Aren't we all though?" He muttered, looking amongst his teammates.

"Not even coach can get in contact with Satori." Koganei Shinji frowned. He placed his hands on his hips.

"Well, what can we do?" Hyuuga added in. "They clearly don't want to talk to us." He fixed his glasses and sighed again. He then motioned his team to get to practice.


Satori was out in the city. She walked amongst the sidewalk, bags full of groceries in her hands. Her black hair was pulled back into a small ponytail. Her red glasses properly fixed amongst her face.

A small smile was graced upon her lips. Since that night in the gym, Satori had been practically living in Kuroko's apartment. Of course the Phantom didn't mind. Instead, Kuroko was glad for the company, and even happier that the comfort came from Satori. The fact that Kuroko was calming down, made Satori more comfortable and more at ease.

The thoughts of the Phantom drifted away. Satori refocused her attention to walking without crashing into anyone. But the goal was short lived.

Satori crashed into a taller figure that was walking out of a nearby shop. Red framed glasses flew off of Satori's face, cracking against the pavement. A gasp escaped from both Satori and the other party. Quickly the other person bent down to pick up the glasses. "I am so sorry!" A male voice wafted through the air.

Satori blindly reached for her glasses, until they were placed directly into her hand. "No, it's fine." Satori shook her head. She squinted her grey eyes in attempts to analyze how bad the crack on her lens was. "It was my fault for not paying attention." She said in a sigh. The glasses were unwearable. While one lens was badly cracked, the other was missing.

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