<<Chapter 04>>

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It was the weekend. And it's been weeks since Seirin had heard from their manager and Phantom. Worry settled into their chests, hoping that nothing bad had happened to the two missing students. Riko waited in front of the school, besides a bus. Hyuuga stood next her. The two of them awaited the rest of their team to show up for their scheduled practice match.

"Hey Riko." Hyuga called his coach's name. Riko hummed, turning her head slightly to look up at Seirin's captain. "How did you even get a practice match with Kirisaki Daichi?"

Riko shrugged her shoulders. "Their coach contacted me." Hyuuga rose an eyebrow.

"Really?" Hyuuga asked. Riko nodded her head.

"Apparently, they also had something they wanted to discuss." The coach of Seirin's basketball ball team had added.

"Coach!" The two second years looked up. Koganei was the one that called Riko. Walking on either side of him was Mitobe and Izuki.

Riko and Hyuuga greeted the other three as they walked up. "Sorry we're late." Izuki apologized. "But it looks like we're not the only ones." He laughed, seeing as how the five were only there.

Riko nodded her head. "Yeah, at this rate, we'll be late.." She sighed, looking down at her phone. Her fingers tapped on the keys, trying to figure out where their missing players were. A reply came back almost instantly. "Ah, it looks like the first years are nearby."

"What about Tsuchida?" Hyuuga asked.

"What about me?" The five second years looked up. Tsuchida smiled, waving at the other second years. Hyuuga smirked, shaking his head.

"COACH! CAPTAIN!" The second years' attention was diverted. Running around the corner were the four missing first years. Hyuuga glared at each of them.

"Get here before your senpai!" Hyuuga yelled mercilessly, hitting each of the first years on the head.

"Sorry!!" they apologized.

Riko sighed, tucking her phone into her pocket. "Anyway, everyone get on." Riko motioned toward the bus. "If we wait any longer, Kirisaki Daichi are going to get impatient."

Quickly the basketball team boarded the bus, and was off to Kirisaki Daichi High School."


After the practice match, Seirin had won by two points.

"I have to say it was pretty hard, even without Hanamiya." Hyuuga admitted, shaking hands with the opposing team's vice captain, Furuhashi Kojiro.

Furuhashi nodded, thanking Hyuuga."Thanks, but we're still no match for you guys." Hyuuga noticed that Furuhashi was looking around the gym.

"Something wrong?" Hyuuga questioned.

Furuhashi looked back at Seirin's captain. "Kuroko and Kiyoshi aren't here."

Hearing the former name, made each of Seirin's members go stiff. Furuhashi stared at each of them, wondering why they reacted in such a way. "Ah, well Kiyoshi's still going through rehab.." Furuhashi looked down in guilt, muttering a quiet 'sorry-about-that'. Hyuuga shook his head. "It's fine. Kiyoshi's planning on coming back still."

"Then what about Kuroko?" Furuhashi questioned next. He noticed how the team went stiff again. He didn't know what it was, but the air around Seirin's team felt sort of thick.

"He stopped coming to school." Kagami muttered as he walked past. The ace went over to the bench and grabbed his water bottle.

Furuhashi's eyes widened. "Kuroko too?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2016 ⏰

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