<<Chapter 03>>

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A week had quickly gone by since Ogiwara had moved in with Satori and Kuroko. He easily made himself comfortable in the guest room. The brunette haired basketball player was actually quite surprised with how spacious the apartment was. Three rooms and two baths? It was definitely a more modern apartment complex.

Ogiwara walked sleepily out of his room. Tears formed in the corner of his eyes as he let out a loud yawn. "Morning, Tetsu..Satori-chan." He greeted his two roommates. Satori looked up from the cooking pan on top of the stove. She smiled, letting out a quiet giggle while shaking her head. Kuroko briefly looked away from the tv.

"It's already one in the afternoon, Ogiwara-kun." The blue haired teen said bluntly.

Ogiwara tilted his head. "Really?" He questioned, receiving a confirming nod from Satori. "And I already told you to call me by my first name Tetsu!" The tallest teen whined, plopping down besides his childhood friend.

Kuroko smiled a bit. "Sorry." He apologized, the smile never fading. "Force of habit....Shigehiro-kun..." Kuroko added as an afterthought. Ogiwara's grin widened happily.

"Both of you sit down for lunch now." Satori said in a motherly, yet demanding tone. She brought the food she had made to the table. The two male teens got up from the couch, and sat in their respective seats. It was Kuroko, and to his right was Ogiwara. Then in front of Ogiwara, Satori sat. The said female came back from the kitchen, this time with plates and utensils. "If you want to drink something, there's tea, juice, milk, or water." She stated, beginning to serve the food.

Ogiwara got up, raising his hand like a child. "I'll get the drinks Satori-chan!" The teen quickly ran to the fridge, grabbing the respective drinks that his friends called out to him. He came back to the table seconds later. "Milk for Tetsu. Water for Satori-chan. And juice for me." Ogiwara said, passing the drinks out.

"Thank you." Kuroko and Satori said in unison.


The three were walking around, looking for things they'll need in order to 'disappear'. Satori led the two boys through a variety of different shops. "We'll need baggage." She looked down at her phone, assuming there was a list typed up. "We'll need plenty of boxes..." Satori kept muttering to herself, completely ignoring that Kuroko and Ogiwara were following after her.

Ogiwara smiled, throwing his left arm over Satori's shoulders. The smaller girl looked up, her grey eyes lit with curiosity. Ogiwara felt his heart melt. "You're so cute, Satori-chan!" He pulled the raven haired girl into a tight hug. Satori hummed, not bothering with any attempts to escape Ogiwara's grasp. "Anyway, I've been meaning to ask....What exactly is the plan?"

Kuroko blinked, looking to Satori. The girl sighed, finally pulling away from Ogiwara. "Well, first we need to get the flights and everything set to move. We're going to America, by the way." She said, looking down at her phone again. "New York, to be exact. There, we'll find two other members to complete our team. We'll train as a team, get Tetsuya's overall stats up, and become a well known team."

"Don't you think that's a bit farfetched, Satori-chan?" Ogiwara smiled, scratching his cheek.

"I think we'll be fine with this general plan." Kuroko butted in. Satori offered a reassuring grin.

"Of course we'll be okay." She laughed, turning to walk away.

Ogiwara shrugged, sighing. "If you two say so.."

The three continued to walk around; Kuroko and Ogiwara following Satori in and out of stores. "Tetsu." The ravenette suddenly asked the Phantom. She turned toward her friend. Kuroko stared back at her, wondering what she was going to ask. "You said you needed new basketball shoes right?" The latter nodded his head. "Let's go get some."

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