Chapter 2

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Taehyung has been ignoring me the past few days. Probably because I know his little "secret." I walk to my locker to grab my books for next class but on my way I see Taehyung going to the rooftop. I change my plans and decide to follow him. Without making any noise I follow him to the rooftop. He walks all the way to the back near the rail with his hands in his pockets and let's out a heavy sigh. "Why..." was all I could make out. I try to sneak up closer to him. However, he quickly turns around and I am busted. "Why are you following me..?" His voice cracked at the last part. He didn't look  at me in the eyes but he was staring at the ground with a mixed feeling. An aura that was all black and gloomy. "Why are you avoiding me?" He takes a quick glance and immediately looks down again. "Hmpf..." He didn't say anything. I put both my wise fingers on the corners of his mouth and push them up, making it look like he's smiling. "You should smile more. It's healthy and makes you happier. You also look good when you smile." I try to cheer him up. His eyes widen. "W...what are you doing?" He panicks. "Trying to cheer you up!" I give him a reassuring smile and let go of him. "If there's anything wrong you can just tell me. I won't hurt you." He just nods, but something in his eyes sparkles. I think I have managed to get a bit closer to him. After the event we went back to class and Sora came over to me. "Hey! Jae is back at school!" She happily says. "Really?! I didn't see h-" I was cut off by a poke in my stomach. "Surpriseeee~" A familiar voice rung in my ears as I squeeked. "YA, Jae! How long have you been ill? You weren't at school for about a month!" "Sorry, sorry! I wasn't really ill. I broke my leg because I secretly went out with my brother and his friends. Unfortunately, I got stuck in some staircases and broke my leg. My parents were so mad that I had to give my phone to them until I could go to school again. I was also forbidden to go on social media. That's why I couldn't contact you guys." Sora and I gave each other a glance before childishly poking Jae. "You still are clumsy as ever." Sora laughs. Sora and Jae have known each other since elementary school. We three are good friends with each other. "We'll forgive you, only for this time." I joke.

"Hey, Taehyung. What are you going to do? Are you free at the moment?" I run after Taehyung as we've finished school. He turned to me with a heavy look on his face. "I don't have anything in my mind..." He answers. I smile "Good! Then, let's go to a café." "Uhm, I don't know if..." "No need to be nervous! Sora and Jae are joining." As I finish my sentence, the two are reaching us. "Speaking of the devil." I chuckle. "I'm hungry and thirsty. Let's go~!" Sora whines. "Oh, hello there. You're Kim Taehyung, right?" Sora finally notices him and observes him from tip to toe. "Ya, it's rude to observate someone like that." Jae lightly hit her on her head. "Don't hit a girl!" Sora almost screams. "Wow, calm down you two. You're going to scare him off." I stop them, glancing over to Taehyung. "Ah, that's right. Sorry! Hi, I'm Sora." She introduces herself. "I'm Jae." He gives Taehyung a smile. Taehyung just nods and tries to walk away from us. However, I grab him by his arm and turned him around. "You're going with us."

"3 Americanos, a green tea and 4 regular donuts, please." We've managed to bring Taehyung with us and we are now in a café. Taehyung was silence for the whole time. "So..." it is too uncomfortable to handle but after a while Jae starts to talk. "What's your favourite food, Taehyung?" "Japchae... but I also like any kinds of meat." "Whaa, I also like Japchae." I reply. "How about your favourite colour then?" Sora asks. "B...Black." "Same!" I laugh. He looks at me with a 'wow, do we have any more in common?' look.  After some more questions we are having a lot of fun and I can tell by Taehyung's look in the eyes that he is really enjoying it, until he receives a text on his phone. He aggressively types something and puts his phone away. "Is there something wrong, Taehyung?" Sora asks. "No! Not at all. Where were we?" He gives us a forced smile. I notice it but decide to stay silent for now. "I'll see you at school!" "Bye."  "See ya~" "Bye bye." We all went our separate ways.

"Hey, ___. Where is Taehyung? Didn't he go to school, again?" Sora comes over to me after the bell rung. Taehyung has been absent for 3 days and I became a bit worried. "No..." "Well, why don't you visit him?" "I don't even know him that well, so I won't." Sora nods. The next day Taehyung is finally back. Before I could ask him something the teacher interrupts and starts with the lesson. I sneak some glances of him but he stays in the exact same position for the whole time. After the class ends he's still in the same position. I stand in front of his desk and blink move my hand in front of his face without any result. "Where were you the past few days?" I ask him but he doesn't reply. He stays silent. "Hello? I'm talking to you? Kim Taehyung?" He stands up and walks away without even looking at me. What's wrong with him? I run after him and when I am in front of him I push him a bit. "Why are you avoiding me?" He still tries to avoid eye contact but when I lift his face up so that he's looking at me he breaks down and starts to cry. I quickly look around to see if anyone is here, fortunately there is no one. Then I ask him what's wrong. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" He leans on the wall and slowly slides down to the ground. "My... My mom. She has commited suicide. Yesterday." His words come out just loud enough for me to hear. Seeing him in this state is really making me sad. I slowly kneel beside him and pat him on his back. "It's okay... I'm sorry. Please, don't blame it on yourself." "M..Mom... I Miss her so much. It's all because of me. If I hadn't sent such a harsh text then maybe...." I feel miserable. If he didn't hang out with us this probably wouldn't have happened. 

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