Chapter 1 (Mariah's P.O.V)

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          "Are you kidding me?! How long have you known me for, Rema? Parties are not and will NEVER be my thing," I replied while rummaging through my drawers for a fresh pair of jeans. 

          "I believe it's been 16 years, but that's beside the point. The point is, you're 16 years old and your birthday is in 2 weeks and all you do is stay in bed and binge on Netflix," Rema complained. "Oh and sometimes, on very rare occasions you actually get up to go on your balcony for fresh air."

       "Oh shut up," i laughed while throwing a pair of tights at her before pulling out my favorite light washed skinny jeans. "I do other things like go to the gym and work. I just don't like the social environment of parties. They're dangerous and risky and only bad things could ever come out of a party."

          "Where did you get those facts from? Netflix movies? Well if so, it's not accurate. Mariah, I just need you to go to this one little house party next Saturday, please! You can leave after 30 minutes if you really don't like it and I'll never bother you about another party ever again!" Rema begged. 

           I buttoned my skinny jeans and then turned to face her. I looked at her with an annoyed face and then let out a sigh and "Fine." I knew I was going to regret agreeing to go with her, but she's my best friend and she had always done everything I had asked her to do for me. Of course my favors were only for her to return my library books or to hand my essays in for me when I was sick, but it still counts. She jumped off the bed and pulled me in with a really big hug and let out an extremely high pitched squeal. 

           I turned back to look at myself in the mirror. My light brown curly hair was parted in the middle which made me look like Albert Einstein and my honey brown eyes looked dead because of the lack of mascara and eyeshadow. I sighed and fixed my hair and applied some mascara in hopes I would look presentable. How could i go to a party looking like this? In my experience of parties, and by experiences I mean Netflix watching, all the girls at a party look very slutty but in a good way. I look very far from a slut, I don't even think I own any thongs. 

        "Alright, let's go! We got to pick up my little brother from baseball practice before my mom kills me again!" Rema exclaimed while practically pulling me out the door. 

        We hopped into my car and drove to the field where Rema's younger brother Joey would be waiting for us. Rema got her car keys taken away for doing immature things and so now I am Rema's designated driver until she gets them back. Joey was 11 years old and surprisingly wasn't an annoying younger brother. 

        "Hey Mariah, thanks for the ride!", Joey smiled while climbing into the backseat. 

    I smiled in response and pulled off and headed towards Rema's house to drop Joey off. Joey and Rema had always been close and looked out for each other. I always wanted a little sister or brother, but my parents were one and done. Thankfully, I've known Rema my entire life and so it felt like I always had a sister and so I wasn't as lonely as an only child would've been. We pulled up to Rema's house which was the opposite of mine because while mine had a lot of landscaping in the front yard...Rema's was brick with a fountain. It was really nice. Joey thanked me again before leaving and then ran up to his front steps. 

          "Did i ever mention how jealous I am of you for having a younger sibling," I teased Rema before pulling off and heading to the mall.

          "Take him, more attention and money from my parents for me!" Rema joked while turning up the music. 

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        "Look at that cutie! He totally was just checking you out," Rema whispered to me as I looked through the racks in a store. She was talking about a fair skinned typical white boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. I admit, he was attractive...but I wasn't looking and could care less.

        "I'm not here for guys, I'm here for help me," I reminded Rema while pulling out a black dress from the rack and showing it to her awaiting her approval.

        She shook her head and moved to another section of a store and pulled out an oversized T-Shirt that said Thrasher. It was black and the wording was red. It was cute, but I had no idea where she was going with this idea. 

       "We need to find you thigh-high boots and a cute red bomber jacket to tie it all together. Where would it be?" Rema said while glancing around the store and then finally heading into a direction. 

        "Wait, wait, want me to wear this shirt with no pants? Just a shirt and high boots? Are you crazy?" I asked in disbelief.

       "Have you not seen the latest trends? That's exactly what I want you to wear, duh! But since you're little miss can wear tiny spandex under the shirt to make you more comfortable just in case your shirt rises or some asshole lifts your shirt up. Better? Plus, your slim thick body will look BOMB in this!" Rema winked while handing me a red bomber jacket and black thigh high boots.

       It wasn't that reassuring, but it was better than just wearing underwear and a big shirt. I wear underwear and a big shirt to bed where no one will see me...I could never imagine myself going out like that. We purchased the outfit and then headed back to my house where Rema would give me idea on what to do with my hair.

       "Should I straighten it?" i asked while tugging on one of my curls.

       "Hell no! I love your curls and everyone else will too! You should wear your hair down and curly like usual because it's flawless. I'm trying to figure out what accessories you should wear. How about a choker? Yes! A choker would look flawless and a cute watch. I gotchu boo," Rema smiled smiled while going through my smiled drawer. 

         Most of the jewelry in my jewelry drawer was jewelry Rema had given to me over the years. I'm pretty sure I still have a Hannah Montana friendship bracelet in there. I have style, just not slutty style which I am shockingly embarrassed to say I am ashamed of. Who the hell would be ashamed of not having slutty style?! 

**This chapter is short because I just wanted to give you a quick overview of the character so you know who she is and to familiarize yourself with what type of person she is. (: **

DistanceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon