Chapter 3- (Mariah's P.O.V)

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       I dreaded this day for the past week. I never dreaded a Saturday like this in my entire life...not even when I had a recital and didn't practice not once. I wanted to just lay in bed all day and NOT go to that party. At this moment in time...I 100% regretted agreeing to go with Rema. I knew she wouldn't let me back out and so all my thoughts of excuses would not work. I sat up and pushed my wild mane out of my face and climbed out of bed. I walked over to my bathroom and climbed into the shower. I always loved showers because the warmth and soothing feeling and nothing is like the feeling you get when you get out the shower are are fresh and clean.

       "Hey hun, your dad and I are going to the mall, do you need anything?" my mom asked from outside my bathroom's door. 

       I felt like saying that I needed an invisible cloak but I went with "Nope, I'm good, thanks."

      I climbed out of the shower and wrapped myself in my favorite pink robe and walked back into my room and sat on my bed. Rema had already texted me 15 times telling me how excited she was that I was going and that I was going to look bomb. What is it with this word..."bomb"? I combed out my hair before it dried and put some mousse in it before throwing on an oversized t-shirt and some socks to go downstairs and make myself breakfast. 

         I quickly whipped up some pancakes and ate them while reading over the "Dos" and "Donts" of a house party. The number 1 Don't on the list was "Don't call the cops." I guess that was a no brainer, but it got my head thinking. If i called the cops...the party would be shut down before Rema and I even arrived. I quickly pushed the thought out of my head once I remembered how much this meant to Rema and how evil I was for even thinking a thought like that. I sighed and then washed my plate out. My life was as sad as the soggy pancake that slid off my plate and drowned in the dish water. 

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      "Oh my god! You look amazing," Rema exclaimed when I left the bathroom to reveal my "trendy" outfit. 

        I looked down at my outfit and I guess it was pretty cute. I would've never picked this out, but I'm glad Rema did. 

       "Now, how is my makeup going to be?" I asked while fixing the boots. 

       "Baddie style, thankfully...I brought my makeup products. Now come here."

     Rema went to work with my face and at the end...I'm sure that my face felt a bit more sore than usual. I looked in the mirror to reveal myself and DAMN I LOOKED GOOD ASF! I couldn't stop staring at myself which isn't normal for me to do because I'm usually a 1 second 1 look and done type of girl because I like to keep it moving, you know what I mean?

       "I am so proud of this transformation!" Rema exclaimed while pulling me into a hug. "Now let's get to that party!"

        On the car ride there Rema was telling me her own "Dos" and "Donts" and they were a lot more simple than the ones I had read at breakfast. 

1.) Don't put your cup down...and if you do...don't drink from it again.
2.) Do pace yourself when drinking because too many shots will have you feeling like you just got shot.
3.) Don't do any drugs other than weed because you'll die.
4.) Don't have sex with anyone.
5.) Do meet a cute guy and flirt for once in your damn life!
6.) Don't be awkward.
7.) Don't stare at another girl because she will take offense...especially if she's drunk.
8.) Don't compare yourself to anyone else.
9.) Don't let anyone pour you a drink...get your own damn glass.
10.) Check up on each other every 30 minutes.                

    We pulled up to a HUGE house...definitely a mansion...not the type of regular house parties I had seen on Netflix. There were colorful lights shining all over the front yard and through the windows. There were a bunch of people laid out in the front yard and some on the roof...I don't think that's the best idea. My stomach churned and my heart stopped beating. I did not feel comfortable...this was WAY out of my element. Rema had a huge smile on her face as she pulled herself out of the car. She looked at me and i shook my head. She sighed and then walked over to my side and opened the door and practically dragged me out.

       "When you said party...I was thinking something a quarter the size of this party," I groaned.

        "That would be called a get together, not a party! Now let loose and have fun and remember what I told you!" Rema smiled while pulling me to the front door.

       When we opened the door I immediately smelt booze and weed. The air was foggy most likely from the weed and there was loud music playing and girls all over guys. There was a spiral staircase to the right and if you walked straight there was a bunch of guys standing in a circle scoping girls out. 

         "Stay away from creepy looking those," Rema whispered with a slight laugh. "Here, take a beer. It's not the best, but just hold it. You don't have to actually drink it."

         She passed me a beer before running off to get some shots and enjoy the party. Great. I'm going to be that awkward loner at the party sitting off in a corner watching everyone else have fun. I wanted to leave, but I had to wait 30 minutes before I could leave this place. I heard a jokingly "Where's the blow at" from the door and I looked did everyone see a really attractive guy enter with a girl and another guy behind him. This guy did not look familiar at all. He was lean and had bluish-green eyes from what I could tell. His hair was a shaggy cute style and he had a really nice smile. The girl he entered with was a really pretty brunette. I made eye contact with him for a quick second before looking away. Ugh. Why did attractive guys have to be here too? 

        I moved to an empty couch and took a seat and realized that the beer in my hand wasn't even open... embarrassing. I quickly opened it and took a sip...DISGUSTING. I did not let a facial expression of disgust appear on my face, I kept it neutral. Everyone else was drinking their beers in a weird way...through the side and dancing and smoking. I did not belong...and I'm sure everyone around me knew it. I looked around to see where Rema was...she was talking it up with some dark haired boy by the kitchen. I felt someone take a seat next to me and so I looked over and it was HIM. The gorgeous boy who had entered with that gorgeous brunette. He gave me a smile and I returned the smile and then looked away again. He was not going to get my attention that easily. If one thing I's to never give an attractive guy the satisfaction of getting you to freeze up and fall for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2016 ⏰

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