Chapter 2 (Favian's P.O.V)

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          Shit. Fuck. Fucking shit. I had forgotten to text back my girlfriend last night to let her know I was alright and got back to my hotel safely. I jumped out of the bed careful enough to not awaken the blonde chic that was laying down beside me. I assumed she was the person i took back to my room last night. I opened the balcony and threw on some sweats and a shirt. I rolled up a fat blunt and texted my girlfriend, Alexa, that I had gone to bed really early last night and walked onto the balcony and began smoking.

        After i finished smoking the blunt, I came back inside and shut the balcony door and walked over to the bathroom to start the shower. I had to meet Damian at his room to figure out when the next dope party would be in Somerstown. I hopped in the shower and began to wash my shaggy golden brown hair from all the different smells of alcohol and weed and my body from the sweat of sexual pleasure. I hopped out of the shower and wrapped a white towel around my waist and headed back to the bedroom to see the blonde chic sitting up. I didn't do bad last night for having some beyond drunk eyesight I thought to myself while checking the chic out.

         "Favian, last night was amazing. How about a round 5?" she winked while pressing her dirty ass sweaty body on my clean ass freshly washed body. The fuck?!

         "Can't. I got plans, but it was nice to meet you Jennifer," I said while moving away from her and applying coconut oil to my body.

        "Samantha," she corrected me.

      "Close enough," I replied while throwing on jeans and a shirt. 

I looked at the door and then at her again signaling that she should leave and that she outstayed her visit. She sucked in her breath and then stomped her way out of the room leaving behind her number. I tossed her number in the trash and then put on my shoes. I grabbed my wallet and then headed over to Damian's room. I knocked and a foxy little lady exited revealing Damian holding the door open.

       "Sweet pick, bro", I complimented while taking a seat on an available chair.

       "Her body is heavenly, I think her name is Heaven actually," Damian replied. "But on a more important note, when is our next party? We only have 2 more weeks before we got to head back to Florida." 

        "I know, I know. I overheard some girls talking about a party next Saturday. I didn't get much details about it, but I heard it was going to be lit." I informed him before opening a bottle of water and chugging it down. 

    Alcohol sure dehydrates your body. I finished the entire bottle within one gulp and then just leaned back in the chair. I'm pretty sure my greenish blue eyes were blood shot right now from the blunt I had earlier.

      "We can for sure get into that party, but we just got to figure out when and where it is." Damian said while fixing his hair. 

       "Not a problem. Luckily for both of us...I can very easily sweet talk the ladies." I teased and then got up and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair always parts down the middle and has me looking like a doofus. I fixed my part and then pulled Damian out of the was time to get information.

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       "Wow, your eyes are just incredible," some cute brunette smiled while taking a seat across from me in the lobby of the hotel we were staying at.

      "Thanks gorgeous. How would you like to accompany me to a party next Saturday?" I winked. 

       I knew I had her...her cheeks were blushing and she couldn't hold eye contact.

     "Yeah! You mean Dustin's mansion party, right?" she asked.

       "Yeah, I heard it's going to be lit" I added.

       "Of course! Everyone has been talking about it! Dustin throws THE BEST parties but only throws them twice a year because of how much time they take to pay for and plan. I'd love to be your date, here's my number. I'll text you my address," she winked while teasingly biting her lip.

     She programed her number in my phone, gave me a kiss, and then walked away. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE.

     I had to catch up with Damian and let him know I got our ticket in. He was trying to sweet talk a bunch of other girls into getting information for the party. I pulled him aside and let him know that I had already gotten it and told him the address had to be online somewhere since it was supposably "THE BEST" parties ever.

     "Bro, you always come in clutch. What would I do without you? You are for sure the ladies man out of this friendship," Damian chuckled while nudging me.

     Alexa was calling...I had to pick up.

"Hey baby girl," I answered

"Baby, I miss you. Get home already," she replied in a pouting voice.

"I'll be home before you know it babe. I miss my surf board and my princess."

"You missed the first round of surfing and your soccer team won the last game by the way."

"Of course they did! My team's the shit!"

"You're so cocky, pipe it down big boy."

"Yeah, but you know you like my cock.... yness" 

"Hell yeah I do, and I miss it."

"It misses you too. Well babe, I'm about to get some grub with Damian so can I call you later?"

"Yeah of course! I love you, enjoy your food!"

"Thanks princess, have a good day."

I hung up and caught up with Damian. We had to pick out a casual yet stylish outfit for next Saturday. You might think I'm an asshole for what I'm doing to my girlfriend, but I do care about her. I just have my know? I can't do distance.

**This isn't that great and pretty short, but I promise...Favian has a lot of plot twists that's for sure so stay tuned. Don't 100% hate him just yet ;) **

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