One Shots 2♡

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Riddhant's Pov.

"Hey! you never told me, you had these pictures?" Aaradhya complained.
We both were sprawled over our bed with the sheets on us. Aaradhya was flipping the pages of the photograph album which I gifted her today.

I looked over the photograph, she was showing.
I smiled and shifted closer to her.

"If I had then this wouldn't have been a surprise now." I said and she too smiled a little before getting engrossed in some deep thinking.

After eight years of marriage, we knew each other better.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"Nothing." She shook her head in denial.


She quickly sat up straight.

"Okay! I was just thinking that wouldn't it had been great if we had been friends in college." She spoke while my mind wandered back to the college days.

Twelve Years Ago.

"What are you doing?" Tiara shouted at the poor girl who was arranging the decoration material.

"Tiara. Please calm down". Aaradhya tried comforting her.

I was busy adjusting the camera but my focus was on them.

"How could I? Look at this, the college fest is tomorrow and not a single thing is done." She complained.

"Don't worry Tia, we'll sort everything." Aaradhya replied, comforting her.

"What would you sort out? Look at yours. You're already taking too long to just make this shitty collage and you still think?" She scoffed and left her embarrassed.

Pity was all, I felt for her as she didn't say a word to her best friend.

Tiara had always taken her for granted but the selfless girl never back answered.

But why was I feeling bad? Even though she acts the same with me always.

'Because you give her such reasons to act like one.' My subconscious snapped.

"Heer, please pass me a pair of scissors." She continued to work more but I could clearly see the hurt which she was trying to mask from her face.

An idea struck my mind. I lifted the camera and adjusted the lens, focusing it on her

Click... Click...

Finally after third click she noticed. Her mouth twitched and she smiled. A full toothy grin.

"What are you doing?" She giggled.

"Doing my job unlike you." Words slipped out from my mouth.


Her eyes widened.
I paled due to regret. I instantly looked down at my feet. Her feet.

Good shoes!!!
'Jeez! What am I thinking?'

As I looked up I couldn't believe what my eyes were actually seeing?

She's smirking at me.

"Work? You call this work. You're just wasting time." She stated, folding her arms.

Uh, At least she knows to defend herself but where does her voice goes when Tiara insults her.

She quickly snapped her fingers.

"If you really have nothing to do. At least help us rather than doing nothing." She mocked me while I nodded at her, still maintaining my stupid grin face.

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