One Shots 4♡

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Riddhant's Pov.

I feel my muscles tense up......
My body shudders.
She doesn't open her eyes... It's freaking me out.
Her last words before her delivery rings in my ears.

"I'm scared, Riddhant..."

"Blossom!" I grasp her cold hand in mine.

"Blossom... Look who's here, Our boy... Baby, please wake up... How long will you take?" My voice quivers.

The doctor enters.

"Mr. Taneja! What are you doing here? Your wife needs rest..." She pauses once she acknowledges my fear.

"Don't worry she's okay." The doctor mutters and starts checking her reports.

I finally look up.

"Then why isn't she waking up?" I ask.

She smiles, "She's tired... She'll wake up. Just give her some time." She says eventually and storms out.

I still maintain my grip tight on her palm and hope for the best.

Surprisingly, I feel her fingers move.

Relief floods my system.

She's waking up!
She's waking up!

Her eyes flutter open and she gawks at me for a brief moment.

"Hey." I kiss her hand.

She blushes, "Hey."

"Are you okay?" I query.

She frowns, "What do you expect?"

I nod.

"I'm not getting you pregnant again." I tell her, wiping my face.

"Why?" She narrows her eyes.

"You want more babies?" My lips twitch.

She shakes her head, "No... Two are enough for me. Two is good." She says.

I nod and cups her face between my hands.

"I love you so much..." I mumble as she gazes at me with love.

Before I realise, a tear strolls down my cheek.

"I thought I lost you today." I speak with heaviness in my voice.

"I'm here Riddhant, Ain't I?" She asks me.

I bob my head and envelopes her in my embrace.

"Thank you." I say.

I could feel her smile.

"My pleasure." She replies as I bend to kiss her nose.

"Where is my boy?" She inquire.

"The nurse took him to feed."

"I want to see him." She pouts.

I sigh as the nurse comes back with our baby.

"Hello ma'am." She greets Aaradhya.

"Hello! Did he eat?" She asked her.

"Yes... a little but he needs breast-feeding."

I shift uncomfortably on my chair. Aaradhya smiles at me before peering at the nurse.

"Thank you."

The nurse carefully laid our baby on her arm...

The moment is priceless....

I just reminisce the time when my little angel was born.

I could never forget that day ever. The day I became a Dad... It was priceless.

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