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Calypso was feeling seriously bored

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Calypso was feeling seriously bored.
She had been eating breakfast with Annabeth, who as usual had been talking about nothing but architecture for the past few days.
"And I was at a library last week, and I just realized that the building is so well designed! It was like, so many columns and stuff...and did I say I was reading a-oh, what did you say?" Annabeth stopped to take a breath, and Calypso took a bite of her almond pastry. "I wonder where Leo is, actually. I'm going to go look for him." She blabbed, quickly getting up.
When she had escaped from the architect's lecture, she started walking towards the Hephaestus cabin. She walked in and looked around. Everyone seemed to be at breakfast except Leo, which was strange because he was usually the first one to heap a plate with pancakes.
She walked up to Leo and stood behind him, about to say his name when she saw what he was holding. It was a picture of a small Leo standing next to a pretty young woman.
Calypso gently placed a hand on his shoulder. "That's your mother, isn't it?"
He looked up and smiled sadly. "Yeah, that's her. I haven't looked at this picture in ages...but it's November 2nd. Today is El Dia de Los Muertos, the day of the dead. And I just..."
Calypso patted his shoulder calmly. "You know, today is a day to honor the dead and celebrate the fact that they have completed the first part of life."
Leo looked up, tears in his eyes. "Girls are supposed to be emotional and stuff. How are you calmer than I am?"
Calypso smiled at him. "You laughed in the face of the Earth Mother. You cry without the face of your own mother. All of it is a part of the cycle."
Here Leo got sort of confused, but Calypso went on. "It's okay to cry. I'll always be there to comfort you."
He smiled and got up from his chair, wrapping his arms around her. "Thanks, Sunshine." he said. "But can we go eat breakfast now?"
She laughed suddenly and kissed him on the cheek before they walked out of the cabin.

PJO Magazine Issue #13 - November 2016Where stories live. Discover now