07 | One Shot 'Love and Sky'

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Candles? Check.

Cheesy romantic music that consists of beautiful violins? Check.

Roses? Check.

Jason looked around nervously. Not that it mattered to Piper, who would've been perfectly fine with something small, Jason was extremely nervous about the night plans. Pipers mother, Venus (or Aphordite technically), the Goddess of Love and Beauty was a stickler for making sure anniversaries were at least semi-perfect for her children.

Better than most gods and goddesses did Jason supposed.

Jason looked around one last time. With help from Percy, he had dragged a picnic table from the pavilion over near the lake; Leo lit a few candles, Annabeth figured out at what time exactly the sun would go down and Frank and Hazel helped him with the smaller things. Well, not exactly small, but they're help was still appreciated.

"Hey Sparky." Jason smiled, pushing his glasses up. He felt like a dork, in his nice clothes (not exactly a suit but kind of like a suit at the same time), hair that was probably a mess, and glasses that decided today was the one evening they would not stay in their place.

"H-He...I mean, Hey Piper. You look...amazing." Piper chuckled. She had woken up this morning to a beautiful red dress laying on her bed; a gift from her mother, but not Pipers style. Instead, she went with a blue and black dress she had found in her closet, a pair of black boots to match, and even found one of her feathers to stick in her hair that went along with the outfit.

"Thanks." Coughing in hopes to get rid of the awkwardness, Jason gestured for Piper to take a seat across the table.

"This is an amazing view Jason." Piper said, smiling, looking up at the sunset on the lake. Jason chuckled, not even looking up once at the lake and keeping his eyes on her.

"Yeah, it is isn't it?" Jason said, smiling at the daughter of Venus....errr, Aphordite, before him.

"Is now a bad time?" Frank asked awkwardly, holding in one hand, sodas for the two of them, and in another, food. At the request of Jason, he had agreed to help out with the serving of food; it was better than who volunteer the first time, which was Leo. Jason didn't think that would go over well.

Shaking the image of Leo burning down the forest from his mind, Jason shook his head.

"Not at all Frank. Thanks." Frank nodded, and placed the individual trays down.

"The soda is Pepsi, and it's cliché, I know, but spaghetti is pretty easy and cheap to make. Oh, and I had vegetarian meatballs added in for you, cause you know...you're a vegetarian." Piper chuckled.

"Really? All this time I thought I was a carnivore." Jason chuckled, taking his plate and drink.

"I really hope this is okay. I was planning to take you out-I mean like out out, in the mortal world-but then I thought about well, son of Jupiter and daughter Aphordite hanging out together? That's a monster bait and I didn't want to take the chance. Camp Jupiter is nice but Camp Half Blood is more your home than CJ is...so I decided to set up, pardon the pun, camp here."

"It's really sweet Jason. Really, you didn't have to do all this." Jason laughed.

"Of course I did Piper. You're worth it, all of it. I can't see myself with anyone else...not Drew or Reyna...I know that our past is....iffy."

"You mean Hera placing fake memories in my mind and making it so we were dating but sort kinda not really?"

"Yeah. That. I know that whole mess is well, a mess but despite that, we still made it, together." Piper frowned slightly, putting her fork down.

PJO Magazine Issue #13 - November 2016Where stories live. Discover now