Chapter 24 (Wedding Plans)

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We Met At The Airport *Edited Version*

Chapter 24 (Wedding plans)

*Celina's POV*

Me and Louis were on our way to Linn's apartment to pick the girls up. Today was the day we were going to plan the wedding, I knocked on their door and opened it.

"Let's see of they're awake" Louis said and he start to shout. I start to laugh at him and Victoria looked irritated at him.

"Louis! Shut up! You're shouting is blocking my music!" She said and went back into her room.

"Girls! Get ready!" I said and Linn's head popped out from her room.

"I'm soon ready I promise! But I hate that you made me wear this freaking dress!" She said and went back into her room.

"Sorry well not sorry" I said and I knew she did a face to me behind the door.

"Cel! I love this dress! It's gorgeous!" Alice screamed and came jumping towards me. She wrapped me up in a bone crushing hug and I couldn't breath.

"Alice! Can't breath" I tried to say and she loosened her grip.

"Sorry" she said and she wandered off towards the rack of millions okay maybe not millions but a lot of shoes on. She took out a pair of black boots, she had a pair of sheer tights with bunny ears over each thigh, her purple hair was curled in waves and she had her signature black hat on and of course her ring that was formed as a unicorn. She had a cute cream white bag.

"Where's the other girls? I'm done" Alice said and start to mumble a song.

"I'm here!" Victoria said and ran down the hall.

"Wow! You look great babe" Alice said and hugged her. She had a pink dress, that I picked out for her, black sheer tights, black pumps, a white blazer and her favourite bag which was pastel pink Juicy Couture bag. Her hair was curled and her makeup was settled.

"And I'm here and still hating wearing a dress" Linn said and all of us laughed at her. She had her ombré hair curled, a black long sleeved skater dress which I chose for her, she had black sheer tights with lace pattern, a pair of black boots, a topshop black bag and she had gold jewellery and that's all she wears now because of her 'H' necklace. She's such a nerd when it comes to matching. She also had her black hat on which suited her perfectly.

"Ready to go?" Louis asked and we said yes in choir.

*Alice's POV*

We were now seated in the back of Louis' car. To be honest it wasn't the biggest car so being three girls pressed up against each side of each other isn't really comfy.

"Okay couldn't you choose Celina's car instead of this small little shit!" Linn said and Louis and Cel just laughed at her.

"C'mon guys it isn't that tight" Celina said and looked back at us.

"Really? I could lay over them and it would be more comfortable" I said and Louis laughed.

"Good luck with that" Louis said and drove off.

"Haha super funny Lou! Of course I'd let her lay in my lap over the nice beautiful dress your fiancé choose for me!" Victoria said sarcastic making Linn laugh a pitch high laugh. All of us start to laugh at Linn's laugh, can't believe she still do that laugh when something's really funny.

It wasn't that long of a trip so when we finally reached the building me and the girls jumped out of the car.

"Ohh I can MOVE MY ARMS FREELY" Victoria said and spun around.

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