Chapter 48 (Daisy Anne Gemma Styles)

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*Harry's POV* 8 months later*

I was so nervous. Linn's in the delivery room and I'm sitting here out side. Why am I not by her side? Because I was stuck at work and came here to late.

Celina, Alice and Victoria is in there though.

I walked back and forth outside the door.

"Harry, please sit down! You're making me nervous!" Louis said and patted the chair beside him.

"No! I'm standing here waiting! I don't have time for sitting!" I snapped and Louis just smiled.

"Okay, just tell me when you're tired" Louis said laughing and put his feet on the chair.

"Louis!" Zayn said and hit his shoulder. "It's his first born! Calm your tits"

I slid down the wall and lay down my head into my hands.

"What if something happens? What if she needs a c section?" I said and Liam sat down next to me.

"Everything is gonna go fine. She's a tough chick, she's gonna make it Haz" He said and patted my shoulder.

"Oh my god! I tried to get here as fast as possible" Elin said and ran down the hall towards us. "Is everything fine?"

"We don't know, we've been sitting here for almost three hours now" Niall said and Elin sighed.

"Oh... I hope she's fine" Elin said and I looked up.

"She's fine!" I said making all of them to look at me. "She's fine"

I started crying and a nurse came out of the room.

"Who of you is Harry Styles?" She said and I stood up.

"I am" I said and she opened the door.

"She needs you" She said and I walked inside of the room.

I walked up the bed and changed places with Alice. I took Linn's hand and she looked at me with tired eyes.

"I'm here baby" I said and she squeezed my hand.

"Okay Ms Sand, one more push! Cmon you can do it" the doctor said and she squeezed my hand until it turned white. "Good"

Soon the room were filled with baby cry and I smiled big. The nurses took the baby over to clean her up and Linn was breathing heavily.

"I'm so proud of you" I said and kissed her forehead.

"Here's your little girl Ms Sand and Mr Styles" the nurse said and placed the baby in Linn's arms.

"She's beautiful" I said and stroke her little head.

"Yeah she is" Celina said and smiled us. "You want to be alone?"

"Yeah" Linn said and Celina took the other girls and walked out of the room.

"So what will we name her?" I asked and she looked up at me.

"Daisy Anne Gemma" She said and I smiled.

"You don't want her to have your mum's name?" I asked and she looked up at me.

"No I don't" she said and I just nodded.

"Daisy Anne Gemma sounds perfect" I said and kissed Linn's forehead.

I took Daisy's hand and she wrapped her fingers around my index finger. She looked up at me, her eyes just as blue as her mother's, they were beautiful. Her nose looked a lot like mine and her lips was the same form as Linn's and just as red as roses.

I couldn't believe that she was mine, that me and Linn could make such a perfect human being. She was truly perfect.

*Alice's POV*

The boys and Elin looked at me as Vic, Celina and I walked out from the room.

"What gender?" Liam asked.

"Did go well?" Zayn asked concerned.

"Is Linn okay?" Elin asked.

"Is the baby beautiful?" Louis asked as he walked up to Celina.

"It's a girl, everything's fine with Linn. It was a little struggle to get the girl out but everything's fine and she's really beautiful" Celina said answering all of the questions at the same time.

"I want to see her" Louis said excitedly.

"They wanted to be alone for a while" I said and Victoria walked over to Liam.

I'm sure there is something between those two, I know it.

"Do you know her name?" Elin asked and she looked at me with happy eyes.

"No we don't, I think that's why they wanted to be alone" Victoria said and glared at Elin.

Their friendship is officially over, it's sad but I know why.

"I want to see that baby!" Louis said pouting making all of us to laugh.

"You're such a baby" Celina said and poked his side making him jump.

We all started laughing and the door to the room opened. Harry walked out with the biggest smile I've ever seen him have.

"What's her name?" Louis asked and walks up to him.

"Her name is Daisy" he said proudly.

"That's so cute" I said and smiled.

"Yeah it is" Louis said and tried to peak inside the room.

"Are you so eager to see her?" Harry laughed.

"Yeah" Louis said and Harry let him inside.

Louis ran inside like a little kid and I heard Linn's laugh.

All of us walked inside and Linn just laughed.

"You couldn't keep yourself huh?" She said making all of us to laugh.

"Now let me look on this beautiful creature" Zayn said and walked up to Linn's side.

I did too and Daisy sure was beautiful. Just like her mother and father.

We Met At The Airport *Edited Version*Where stories live. Discover now