Chapter 23

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* The next morning *

I woke up in my bed, first not knowing where I was. Then I remembered that we had switched bedrooms and that Sylvia was here too. I went to the bathroom to take a shower and when I got out, my brother and her had waken up too. I saw them talking, my brother still looking as in love as he used to back in New York. Sylvia got up when she saw me, to take a shower herself. I waited till she had closed the door and I heard the water floating, before I started talking.

"- You still like her, don't you?" I looked James's way.

"- No." He has this typical way of denying things that are true and he was using it again.

"- Yes, you do. James, I know you longer than today.

- Okay, maybe I do. Maybe I never stopped liking her. You are not saying a word about this to anybody.

- I won't. Pinky promise." My brother and I waited for Sylvia to come out of the bathroom so that he could take a shower. After another half an hour it was time for breakfast. We were a bit late, so everybody was already downstairs. We walked up there and James told me that I had to introduce here cause I wanted the most for her to stay.

"- Who's the girl?" Kendall shouted trough the room.

"- Everybody, this is Sylvia, James and mine former neighbour, back in New York. Sylvia, this are, Kendall, Carlos, Logan, Michele and Austin.

- Nice to meet you." She said in general.

"- What brings you here?" Logan asked her.

"- I live in Paris, but couldn't make it to your show there cause I was in LA. When I found out that you guys were here, I made the trip down here, since it is not that far. I really wanted to see my old neighbours and friends again.

- Sounds great.

- But my question is..." I introduced to them.

"- Can she join us for the rest of the tour? She's moving back to L.A. and that's where tour ends. Besides, the girls are underpopulated here and I missed my friend so much, I got so much to tell her about." I looked at them begging.

"- Good for me.

- An extra girl would be welcome." I smiled at Michele.

"- Sounds good.

- Okay.

- I don't mind." They all said yes.

"- Thank you guys!" I shouted in happiness.

In between Austin and Kendall were 3 chairs and we sat ourselves down. Me next to Austin of course. They were all very curious about her and asked her various questions. I was silent and ate. I was done first.

"- Oh hey Chlo, since you're done eating, can you walk Fox? He need to have his pee before we get on the plane.

- Yeah sure. I'll go get him."

I went back upstairs to grab my phone and than I went to the pet room of the hotel to get Fox out of his cage. I putted on his leash and walked outside the hotel. He was excited and leaded me all the way to the streets. There he got a little bit more calm and I had time to look around. We walked past a little shop with all kinds of magazine in front of the window. I saw a magazine with Austin on the cover. I had no idea what the title meant, since it was in Dutch, but it was a nice picture. I wanted to walk further, but another thing on that cover made me widen my eyes. It was a little photo of him and me kissing. This was not good. This was NOT good. I ran inside and looked if there maybe was a magazine in English with the same cover. I was lucky, I found an English mag with another photo but again aside the little picture of us kissing. I paid for it with the money I found in my pockets. Thank god he accepted dollars. Back outside, I made Fox pee and made my way back to the hotel.

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