Part One

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I sit stiffly on the leather seat. My head straight forward, watching the other cars on the highway. Faces in the other cars turn our way. It's not everyday people see limos. I remember when I was a little girl I used to wave back. My father yelled at me the second I started.

My father sits beside me now, giving me the rationale behind his choice. I force myself to listen.

"Onyx, it's not about what you want anymore. You were born into the Iolite family. You are the heir of the Iolite inheritance. It's time you understood the responsibilities of that."

I offer him a tight nod, my eyes still trained straight ahead.

"You need to go to this boarding school for an important reason. Do you know why?"

I want to reply sarcastically, ‘Um...I don't know, maybe I'm going to a boarding school to learn?’

But I know it's not that simple so I keep my mouth shut. I keep my tense position. I feel his eyes on my face.

"I asked you a question, Onyx. I expect an answer. I do believe I trained you to be better than this."

Our chauffeur's eyes glance at me through the rear view mirror. His eyes betray his sympathy but he and I both know that there is nothing he can do.

"Onyx!" My father bellows. I go rigid. His temper is even shorter than usual today.

I stare at my hands folded in my lap. Some of my deep blue nail polish has chipped off. I will need a manicure as soon as we reach the school.

My father's voice turns dramatically low. "Onyx. Answer my question. Why am I sending you to this boarding school?"

Out of the corner of my eye, I see a flash. He's brought out his knife. I know he won't actually hurt me. Our limo will probably take most of his anger. It's a shame. We've owned this limo for only a month or so.

My father throws the knife into the floor. It sticks up in the floor only a couple inches from my sandaled feet. I don't flinch. It’s not the first time I've had knives thrown at me. Another knife pierces the floor. Only one inch away from my pinkie toe.

I see a third knife clutched in my father's hand. He whispers a warning. "Onyx. Answer. Me."

I give in. "I have some theories." I mumble. Still not looking at him.

He throws the knife. It rips into the bottom of my sandal. In the space between my big toe and my second toe. His aim is its normal perfect. The knife doesn't even touch me. 
"Don't mumble."

"I have some theories." I pronounce carefully.

"Tell me more."

"The Kunzites."

"Precisely. The Kunzites. They are the family that has been the thorn in our side since the beginning of time. They steal and murder with no shame."

I don't mention that our family does the same thing.

"Now the Kunzites only son, the heir to the Kunzite family, is attending the boarding school that I am sending you to."

 What will he want me to do? Spy on him? Befriend him under a different name to learn the Kunzite family secrets?

I wait for my father to continue speaking and stare at the knife in between my toes. If I wriggle my toes even slightly, I can feel the cold metal of the sharp blade.

My father stays silent. I wait in anticipation. My hands begin to sweat.

Finally I risk a glance at my father and regret it immediately. He is studying me again. I can't look away now because that would look weak. His cold blue eyes calculating, catching every detail. His features hard. Every black hair on his head is in perfect place on his short buzz cut.

"What do you want me to do?" I ask. Surprising myself. When did I become so bold towards my father?

"I suppose you have your 'theories’.'" He says in a mocking tone.

I refocus my gaze straight ahead.

"You're fifteen years old, Onyx. You're smart, athletic, beautiful, and you're my daughter. I have trained and taught you to be cold and emotionless. A normal fifteen year old would not be able to do what I want you to do. But you are far from normal. You are Onyx Iolite."

I'm not sure if he is complimenting me or just stating facts in his cold, calculating way.

"What do you want me to do?" I ask again.

"Ah, Onyx, persistent and straightforward. Another couple of traits I have trained you to have."

I risk another glance at him. His eyes are trained out of the tinted window of our limo.

He says, "We have arrived at our destination. Not the boarding school, of course, but where I will be leaving. You will continue the rest of the journey alone."

Our chauffeur parks the car.

"Now about your little mission. I want you to kill the Kunzite boy." Before I can react, he opens his own door and begins getting out.

He begins to close the car door, but turns around and says, "One more thing, Onyx. The Kunzite boy has been commanded to kill you too."

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