Part Three

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I glance at a sign on our right. Welcome to Halridge School!

Our limo isn't the only one in the parking lot. It’s full of sports cars and limos. Rich teenagers stroll across the perfectly green and manicured grounds. Fountains and exotic flowers dot the landscape. Paved paths lead to towering buildings.

I slip my purse strap over my shoulder. I hold it gingerly, remembering the syringe inside. The chauffeur gets out of the car and opens my door. As I gracefully get out of my seat, I pluck the other two knives out of the headrest and slip them into my purse. I may need them later on as a certain someone is trying to murder me.

I step out into the sunshine. A couple of white fluffy clouds dot the blue sky.

The chauffeur speaks gruffly to me, "You're on your own now. Just go in that building there—” he points to the nearest building, "and give your name. I'll pick you up when you've succeeded. Good luck."

I nod and stride confidently away. I search in my purse for my pair of sunglasses and slide them onto my nose.

The glass sliding doors of the building open for me. Four long lines come from the front desk.

I step into the line closest to the door. I pretend to be texting my friends, while I actually search the room out of the corner of my eyes.

Granite counters. Mahogany decor. Expensive technology. Crystal chandeliers. The place screams money.

The line shifts forward. As I move ahead, the hairs on the back of my neck rise. A slight shiver runs through me. I glance around and my heart nearly stops.

Adam Kunzite stands in the line on the far side of the room. Two lines of students separate us. I glance away, hoping he didn't feel my momentary stare. I don't want his attention yet. I need at least a couple days to plan.

The line shifts forward again. My eyes flit back to my phone. I just hope that Adam doesn't look my way. Does he know what I look like?

The girl in front of me moves away and I'm at the front of the line.

The girl at the computer smiles brightly at me, "Hello, welcome to Halridge. May I have your name?"

"Elisa Ettens," I say flatly.

The girl types quickly into her computer. After a couple seconds, she reaches below the desk and pulls out a couple papers. With a blinding smile she says, "Here is your Halridge map, class schedule, and room key. Other items and information will be in your room. Your room is number 656. Enjoy Halridge!"

I take that as my cue to leave. I exit through the sliding doors and find a nearby metal bench. I sit down and study the map for a couple seconds. I need to walk to the other side of the campus to get to the dorms.

I don’t relax until I reach the safety of the girls’ dorms. Adam won’t be able to get in here. I walk through the sliding doors and see a couple of employees monitoring who comes in. The lobby is crowded with luggage and giggling girls. One approaches me with the same fake cheery attitude the other employee had. "Hello, welcome to Halridge. What's your room number?"


"Okay, you are going to go to the third floor by using the elevator that's placed right over there. Once you get to the third floor go down the hallway to the left, then take the first right, then go straight until you reach 656. Enjoy Halridge!"

I resist my urge to snap at her. With a deep breath, I just nod and walk to the elevator and punch the 3 button.

The elevator rises as I shift around my purse to find my room key.

I fish out the key as the elevator doors open. I step out and turn to the left. I glance at the room numbers. 640, 641, 642. I take the first right and continue walking down the hallways until I reach 656. I insert the key in the lock and open the door.

My eyes widen slightly in surprise. When I heard I was going to a boarding school, I was expecting tiny rooms, noisy roommates, and horrible décor/

The spacious room is immaculate white with accents of pink. Pink isn't my favorite color, but there are worse colors out there. A queen bed sits in the middle of the room topped with fluffy pink and white pillows. Plush carpet covers the floor. A small white desk sits in the corner, looking out a window with a view of the gorgeous landscaping. I open a pair of doors and see a tiny but personal bathroom. There is even a smaller walk-in closet. It's nothing compared to my room at home, but it’s amazing for dorms. This is certainly a school for the rich. How much are the fees for this school?

I sit down on my bed. I can see one bag of my luggage that was pre-shipped in the corner. I'm still missing two bags, but I walk over and begin unpacking. I plan to be here for a couple of days, at most a week. It's enough time to get some more information on Adam Kunzite and perfect my plan.

I sigh. With a room like this, it might not be a horrible week. I get to be away from my angry and moody father and I might actually meet some other girls my age. I might actually enjoy myself. But just like everything else in the Iolite family, it will have to end sourly.

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