Chapter 4: The Council

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Chapter 4: The Council

I woke up early, the sun was not yet coming over the horizon but the moon was set. I stumbled out of bed and leaned on the wooden railing on the balcony. The air was cool a slight breeze flowed through the dying trees in the valley.

I left the balcony after some time and pulled off the light blue robe I had slept in and pulled out a maroon dress that tapered down the front and revealed a bright white under-skirt, The sleeves were tied above my elbow and white fabric draped down to my forearm, over the dress I tied a deep brown vest and a brown belt and dagger and tied on my bracers to protect her arm when I fired my bow, I pulled my hair up in a loose bun, letting strands drip down my  face.

I slipped out of the bedroom and down the stairs to the Hall of Fire where the visitors would most likely be gathering. Hushed tones came out of the Hall, Gandalf and Elrond were talking quietly and quickly, I understood I was not invited into the Hall and passed in and sat down in a wicker bench in a beautiful gazebo that was in the center of the House.

"Up early?" A rough voice called from the narrow bridge that cross to the gazebo, Aragorn was walking towards me, he was not smiling like usual and had an aura of anxiety on him. I smiled and nodded, "What is this about?" I arched my eyebrows, Aragorn immediately understood my question and sighed as he sat down beside me. 

Aragorn was wearing a soft orange elven robe that fit him well, he ran his hand down his leg, feeling the soft velvet. "I came back to Rivendell with four hobbits," He explained, I raised her eyebrows even higher. "I heard about the hobbits," I smiled at the idea of halfings trudging through the wild.

"One of the hobbits has the One," Aragorn's tone came down to just above a whisper, as if he was worried something evil was listening in. "The One?" I nearly jumped out of the bench. "If the enemy learns of this.." I whispered, Aragorn nodded understanding the implications if the enemy knew the One was in Rivendell.

"News is spreading quickly, we have received word that even an envoy from Gondor is coming to this council." Aragorn's rough voice was now soft and low. "I'm not sure what Lord Elrond plans to do and I'm not sure if even he, himself, knows what to do either." I rubbed my temples and puffed out air trying to calm myself. "There were whispers in Mirkwood of Sauron as well." I breathed, Aragorn nodded. "We met the Nine on the road, on of the hobbits were injured badly with a morgul blade," Aragorn returned back to his normal tone, "Then he is lucky to be alive!" I said loudly, smiling. 

"Arwen is the main reason he is alive." Aragorn smiled back, I raised an eyebrow. "She came to us on Asfaloth and took the hobbit across the Bruinin, hopefully injuring the Nine to where they must go back." He sighed, I smiled and nodded. 

My head jerked up as a brown horse galloped through the entrance to Rivendell, a broad man hopped off, he was clad in kingly velvets of black, red, and a deep blue and a large shield was placed on his back over his long cloak that flowed gently in the cool wind that swept through the valley.

"Is that the man from Gondor?" I gestured her head to the man, Aragorn sighed and nodded then trotted back over the bridge towards Elrond's study. I blinked at Aragorn's quick departure then turned my head back to the entrance to study the man. 

His light brown hair went down to his shoulders and short strands dripped onto his forehead, he pushed his hair behind his ears in a quick motion and looked around, a grin spread across his face. I crept across the bridge and towards the entrance to observe him closer, the only man I ever had met was Aragorn so curiousity took over.

I wrapped her hand tight around a banister and narrowed my eyes as I looked at him, his head jerked over to me when he noticed I was studying him, his features were soft and worn. He smiled warmly, I half-smiled back at him as I stepped down the set of stairs slowly and warily, watching the man closely.

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