1: AL!EN

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1: AL!EN

It was cold outside. The snow covered most of the garden. It was a great night to go for a walk with my backpack full of snacks. Strange, I know, I like to come here and relax.

 The forest was so dark.  I was always used to be scared to come up here at night and now look where I am. In my secret place in the woods, I looked up in the sky. It was clear and the stars shined down on me.

I saw a shooting star, I made a wish. “I wish I could meet someone who could change me!” in a good way of course.

Something was strange with this shooting star, it started to come closer and closer. Then I realize, “Justin, run for your life!” . That was it, I ran away from the dark forest, back home. I saw a great white light and I felt on the snowy ground. I lost my energy and everything went black.

When I woke up my head hurt so badly. I looked around I was still there, in the middle of the woods. I got up but my vision was blurry, I had to sit to make it clearer.

I saw one shadow moving around me, I started to be scared.

-Who are you? – I shouted. No answer. – Show yourself! – The shadow stopped. – I tell you again. Show yourself. – I got up and my head spanned around, I had to hold on to a tree.

The shadow moved to one of the trees ahead of me. I couldn’t move. Something was making me stop, I wanted to shout, but I couldn’t.

Then I saw a hand coming around of one of those trees.

I looked like a girls hand, it couldn’t be. The rest of the arm came “out” and finally it started to come out of the dark. My eyes couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

One girl, she looked younger than me. I looked to her face. She had some weird make-up around her eyes. I scanned her body, she was crazy, she was naked. I got my eyes again fast to her face, trying to ignore the rest of the body. Gotta respect girls!

-Who are you? What are you doing here? It’s freezing.

-I’m…. what does it matter? – She said.

-It matters! – I said. She looked at me with her eyes widen.

-You can understand me? – She said, she moved closer to me. I gave a step back. I could move again. Weird!

- Why wouldn’t I? Damn! You shouldn’t be here. – Her hair moved super slowly in the wind, almost as if someone was directing it.

-You are the only one who shouldn’t be here!  - She said in a melodic way. But she looked scared and angry at the same time, she kept looking around. Like she was searching something.

- Who really are you? – Nothing on her seemed “Normal”.

- Call me Dixie! – She said. Great she has a name.

- Why can’t I be here?

- My spaceship… - I cut her off.

-Spaceship? Really? How old are you?

- 1068 years. – She said.

-Really then I am… - Think of a stupid age Justin! - 1069 years old. – I laughed “69!” hahaha! -  Give me a break!  How old are you really?

-Justin stop it. – I froze there, how did she know my name?  Then I remember she might be a crazy fan.

-Great you are a fan, this is going to the extreme! – I said.

-You wish didn’t you? I’m nothing like your fan!

- Then you are a hater. God the only thing I know is that you take it to the next level!

-Stop! – She said, angry filled her eyes, and then a weird sound came. I had to cover my ears it was to unsupportable.

-AHHHHH! – I yelled.  She moved so fast and covered my mouth.  The way she moved was so magical. She seemed out of this world.

- Let’s hide… - She said. We ran back to my house.  Hopefully my mom wasn’t there! I opened the front door.  There she was standing.

-Hum mom, what are you doing here? – I asked stupidly. I remember Dixie, complete naked behind me.

-How what are you doing here? I live here with you. – She said obviously and rolled her eyes. – Now Justin what happened? You have a little cut on your cheek.

I looked behind me, where was Dixie? Am I dreaming?  I really need to stop picturing thing. I’m going crazy that’s it.

-Ah it’s nothing mom! – I said smiling. – Hey you heard the crash?

-Yes, I was kind of worried that you were out there, you know what happened?  - She sat on the couch and grabbed a book.

-Not really. May be they tell us in the News! – I said sitting beside her. I turned the tv on, she was reading some book.

“Shocking news, a meteor just crushed with earth. There are no damages and we don’t know if anyone got hurt. The scientists are on their way to do the research on this rock!” I shut the TV off. It’s just a rock that came out of the space.  “This out of space rock just crashed on the teen sensation, Justin Bieber’s land propriety. The authority are going to contact him after they arrive at the place, we let you know after we arrive there what the scientist might think it is.

-Mom did the police call you?

-Oh yeah they did, they said they had to do some research in our land.

-You told me you didn’t know anything!

-Justin, I forgot to tell you, sorry okay?

-Alright! I’m going upstairs, hope the papz don’t show up tonight, need to rest!

-Sure sweetie, sleep well my dear! – She gave me a kiss and I got my backpack and went upstairs.



Hope you like this start. going to post this short fanfic while writting "Twits" and rewritting "Be Crazy!" so it will be super slow motion. One chapter per week what you think? Every weekend?


Love Sharon *

AL!EN Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora