5: The Legend

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5: The Legend

Justin POV:

After turning the light I couldn't fall in sleep. I was worried about Dixie.

I wish I could help her. I knew she lied to me when she said it was nothing.

After several temptives I felt in sleep.

Dixie POV:

The legend told that if a Calypso alien found real love with another creature she or he became as the one they "loved".

I laid back. Was the legend true? I mean this can't be love, less can it be TRUE Love.

Somehow my eyes started to shut down, I was feeling tired. I couldn't sleep that night.

Things were getting strange with me. It was so early that morning when the sun rose.

I saw the light invading the room, Justin kept sleeping, I stood up and looked the cloths Justin’s mom left for me.

I can see humans are not so comfortable with their own body, or at least seeing it. I walked to the bathroom.

Guys don’t forget, I acquire Justin’s knowledge, but this is going out of my way. It doesn’t seem the same as I first had the memories. This trip to Earth is becoming heavy.

I dressed and walked back to the bedroom, Justin was starting to wake up.

-Morning Justin, - I said sitting next to him. Looking at him and smiling.

-Morning love. – He said and patted my head.

-I’m not a dog, okay?! – I said a little mad. Mad? Where is this going?! These stupid feelings.

-Stop I was trying to be nice or you want something like this… - He reached me and kissed my cheek.

-Not bad but you know darling…- My stomach roared. – What the hell is this?

-You are hungry my dear! – He said.

-How? C’mon I can spend days without eating. – I said like it was obvious.

-Really, I want to see that. – He said and looked at me. – Why were you so weird last night, after the whole blood thing?

-It was nothing!

-Obviously it was something.

-Stop Justin! I’ll tell you in time.

-Alright Dixie I give up. – He said putting his hands in the air. – Let’s go honey. 

*1 week later*

I was starting to be weird. Things between me and Justin have been what can I say? Breath taking. Like literarily. The most weirdest thing happen last night.


Me and Justin, hanged out the whole day with his friends. I started to meet them. They are super nice.

-Well Justin we are going. – Ryan said winking at Justin.

-Alright bro! – Justin said and got up. He walked down the hallway with them until the door. I over heard then, not intensionaly.

“She looks really hot!” Ryan said.

“She’s not hot, she is super beautiful.” Justin said. As he said that I blushed, on the couch. It was already night.

“I can see why you falling for her.” Chaz said.

“Boys! Stop! Like serious!” Justin said.

“You know what you do bro!” Ryan said again.

“See ya!” And he shut the door. Justin’s mom was staying at one of her friend’s house. They were holding a party there. She would come late at night. So it left me and Justin.

He came happily like nothing went on, I acted like nothing really happened. He sat next to me and he got his arm around me. I felt comfortable like that, I found that out when I and he did something stupid and he held me like that, on the couch.

-So what do you want to do tonight? – Justin said in my ear, softly. Chill ran down my spine. I was becoming too human. I had to return to my planet as soon as I could. Wayne hadn’t found me yet, so mean while I’m safe.

-I dont know may be watch a movie in bed? - I said smiling at him.  I discovered movies and I was addicted to it. I think me and Justin saw all movies on this planet.

-Again? - He asked.

- I mean no need. We can do what you want Justin. - I smiled.

-I know you love movies. Let’s see what we got but tonight you see it in my bed alright? - He said.  He was thinking of something.

He picked the movie both of us had already taken a shower. I went to change to my new PJ. This week Justin's mom took me to go shopping.

Justin was already changed when I got in to the bedroom.  I crawled inside Justin's bed. I laid on him with my head.

-Ready? - He asked.

-Let’s see it.- I said happily.- Is it another love story?

-Yeah! Since it is your favorite of them all. Why is that?

-I just love how they end up.

- Like kissing?

- Kissing?

- Yeah...

- How does that really feel?

- You really don’t know how it feels? How do the people on your planet show affection?

- We show it differently.

- I wouldn’t mind showing it but... - I cut him off.

- Show me.- I said facing him and smiling. I started to remember how they do it in the movies.
- I dont want to tak.... - I crushed my lips on his. I tried to mimic the movies, I think I wasn’t good at it. I stopped and looked at him.

-Is it just that?- I asked him.

-We didn’t do anything silly!  - He said smiling.

-We didn’t? – I stupidly asked him.

-You just put your lips on mine.

-So show me it. – I said.

-Can I? – He asked. I nodded.  He smiled and put his hand on my neck/jaw. – Close your eyes. - He whispered.  I did as he said. I waited. I heard him giggling.  One second later his lips crushed in to mine. It was so amazing this time. 

--------------------------  A.N. --------------------------

Sorry guys for the late update.... Justin doesn't want to take advantage of Dixie. I think she didn't mind kissing him at all, but Justin knows better right? 

Hope you all are loving this fanfic..... :$ 

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