Alone Together

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I've heard of him before, and to be honest, he scares the living day lights out of me. I don't want to meet him but he still intrigues me. He's probably the only person in the whole universe, and out of this universe, that I have no idea who he is and that is part the reason why he terrifies the absolute shit out of me. 'The Oncoming Storm'. He flies around in his TARDIS killing hundreds, thousands of people yet many still think of him as a hero. They believe that by killing so many, he saves the lives of others, which very well might be true but people have legends about him. Their people fear him. They hide in the shadows whenever he nears them and surely that's saying something. 

Anyway, I'm Alexis but everyone calls me Lexi. I'm the last time lady. I have longish fiery hair which fits my personality well. I'm not short tempered but do something to hurt me or my friends and I will let hell loose on you, you got that? I'm 5'5" and I'm quite thin but I'm not weak. I live in Essex with my best friend Lucy who's absolutely stunning. She's not your average beauty, but she has her own beauty about her. She has a short black hair and always wears her red necklace. She's not really tall but isn't small either. She has greyish eyes but when they catch the light they shine purple. One more thing I haven't told you yet, she's a bitch. No, literally , she's a dog. I do have two human friends as well though so I'm not a total nut case.




Oh great. The universe calls again. I have to go save some more people. I love doing it but I hope that when I grow old, I'll retire and take up oil painting or something like that. Of course I'm not ready to retire yet; I'm only on my 4th regeneration and I'm only 746 but when I am older, I hope I can settle down, try and take up a normal life and...




The alarm kept going off as I ran downstairs to find my laptop and teleport in the kitchen.

So, not sure where this is heading but here we go... GERONIMO!

I do not own any of the characters in this book other than the ones that I made up which I guess is sort of obvious. I created most of the storyline myself but have used scenes and episodes form the BBCs Doctor Who so anything from said show, all rights go to them.

Thanks for the amazing cover @visage_ you're awesome!

Emma xx

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