Chapter One

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The alarm kept going off as I ran downstairs to find my teleport in the kitchen.

After I found my teleport, I threw on my black leather jacket and tied my combat boots and then I tied my red hair into a quick pony tail. In all, I thought I looked okay. I had a pair of washed out denim shorts on with black tights with a random t-shirt. It made my legs look long. I think I'd date me. That is, if I wasn't me and I was a dude. I'm not a lesbian and I am not planning on marrying myself. That would be very concerning as well as slightly sad.

Anyway, I was nearly ready when I realised that I didn't even know what alien I was up against so I ran back to my laptop to read the files which had appeared on it. I opened them up and almost chocked on the water I was drinking. The file read:

Species:  Raxacoricofallapatorian (Slitheen family)

Home Planet: Raxacoricofallapatorius

Number: 20

Place: Blackpool

Reason for being on Earth: Unknown (thanks for the help)

I finished reading the file and a single tear fell down my cheek. Why me? Why again? Didn't they hurt me enough the first time? I thought I'd defeated them. They took everything from me. They killed the love of my life yet they still survived. I would never love again, not after Chace. Even though it's been almost 10 years now since he was captured by the foul creatures known as the Slitheen family, I still can't move on. He’s the reason why I can't have human companions anymore; if I lost someone else, I don’t know what would happen.


“So here’s how it works” I shouted towards one of the tall green things which I know knew were from the planet Raxacoricofallapatorius. He was huge even though he was probably the smallest out the 5 Slitheen in front of me. His height didn’t frighten me though; neither did his three sharp claws which were slowly tightening around my throat. The only thing that scared me right then and there was the thought of losing Chace. The thought that these vile freaks doing something to my Chace was enough to give me the power to free myself form his grip and reach for my gun. I began shouting once more.

“Now, tell me where Chace is and I won't hurt you. I’ll let you leave now and let you live as long as you promise never to return. If you don’t agree to my deal, I will kill you all now.” I pointed my gun at the Slitheen in front of me whilst staring into his big black eyes. There was no other way to describe their eyes other than big and black. That’s all they were but I couldn’t help but compare them to the midnight sky of the vanished constellation. One day it was a huge solar system full of life, planets, and stars and then it was gone. It vanished leaving nothing but emptiness and sorrow. The disgusting voice of the monster before me snapped me back into reality.

“How will you defeat us with that foolish time lord?” I hate being called a time lord. It sounds all grand and pompous. Although, when I looked at my hand which was supposedly holding a gun at them, I did feel like a completely foolish time lord. I was holding a banana. Really Lexi, a banana? How can you save the world with a banana? Sure in the movies people slip on banana skins but have you ever really seen that happening as in, in real life? I thought not.

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