Chapter Two

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When I thought I was in the clear, another Slitheen burst through the doors and injected me with something. It was a demobilising serum for humans only; I'm not human though am I. I collapsed into a pair of warm arms and when I looked up, the last thing I saw was a pair of greeny blue eyes and a red bowtie.

My droopy eyes fluttered open to reveal what looked like a prison cell. I sat up all too quickly and dropped back down when my head started spinning. Where the fuck am I and what the fuck happened? 

I am completely lost for an explanation for why I'm here or what I'm doing. All I can remember is going to bed last night after being at the club. I didn't get that drunk did I? The only thing I know is that it's freaking freezing in here. I started shivering and brought my knees up to my chest whilst slowly sitting up. 

My teeth were chattering so loud that I didn't hear anyone walk up to me. I didn't even notice them sit down beside me until they wrapped their arms around me and pulled me closer. I was thankful for the sudden warmth but then reality hit me. Who was this person? I looked down to see who the warm arms belong to and saw a funny looking man in a bowtie smiling down to me. I was confused for a second as to who he was, but then it hit me. 

I remember what had happened, well, up until the part when I was knocked out. I remember the Slitheen in the Blackpool tower and the three strangers in the room I was thrown into. Wait, they weren't strangers, well, one of them was, but the other two were my best friends Amy and Rory. That reminds me, why were they with the Slitheen anyway? They should be on holiday somewhere hot not in Blackpool in the rain. 

With minimal hesitation, I unhooked the warm arms from around me and took to my feet. At first I felt slightly tipsy but soon regained my balance. That's a good thing about Time Lords; they regain their strength far faster than humans do. I looked down to seen Mr Bowtie getting to his feet as well then looked around for my friends. I was worried and confused and scared, not for myself, but for them. They weren't used to being around aliens. They had no idea what they were doing. What if they get hurt? Is it my fault that they've been captured? What happened after I passed out and why am I with this man.

"It's okay; I'm going to get you out of here." The soothing voice from behind me seemed to help calm my nerves but, no offense to him, what was he planning on doing? I decided to ignore how clueless he was and decided to ask about my friends.

"Where are Amy and Rory?" I think I sounded quite stern. I didn't want him to think that he was better than me just because he was a man or something. He had no idea what I was capable of.

"How do you know them?" He sounded quite confused.

"I was going to ask you the same question." 

"Well, we were all travelling and we met so we decided that it would be better if we all travelled together." He said smiling. He seemed strangely impressed by his answer as if it wasn't completely true or he was leaving out a few details. I shook the feeling off. "What about you then?" 

"We're neighbours. They're my best friends. My only friends actually, but that's beside the point." I replied. It was depressing to think that they were my only friends. Of course I had Lucy as well but she was my dog. It's not the same as having real human friends. I had a reason though, I guess. I honestly don't like getting involved with humans. They grow old and die and I'm stuck watching. Watching them grow, watching them live with others, people they love, watching them slowly wither away and die until nothing of them remains other than stories. I watch everyone who matters to me die while I live and that really does break my hearts. 

"What did you say your name was again?" He was leaning against the wall as if he was trying to look cool or something. He really didn't. 

"I didn't." I say coldly. He doesn't need to know my name. I can't befriend another human so I'll just have to act like I don't like him. Thing is, I probably would like him if I got to know him but I can't take that risk. Friendship is something that can be used against you. If one of my many enemies find out that I have some form of relationship with a human then they kill them. Look at what happened to Chace.

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