Chapter Three

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They want to eat me. They want to eat a time lord and I guess that's me. Well, that's not going to happen is it. I won't let them eat me or my new, strange but sexy, friend.

"I'm not going to be eaten and neither is he so if you don't mind, I'd like to go now." I grabbed Mr Bowtie's hand and pulled him to the large metal door which we came in through. My plan was to push him outside before closing the door again though when the door opened, he tried to push me out instead.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Saving your life." And that's all he said before closing the door again. I got out my sonic and tried to unlock it but it didn't work. It was deadlock sealed and I couldn't get in. Great, just great.


I couldn't do much so I've been walking round this whole place for a while. Maybe if I can get out of here then I can get back to the TARDIS and finish the Slitheen once and for all. Oh, and I also can't let them kill the strange man in there with them; I still need to ask him a couple of questions.

I turned the corner to find my best friends stood there looking at me expectedly. Amy ran up to me and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back, her scent was calming. I know it sounds weird but it was so get over it.

"I thought you were dead." She whispered into my neck. I smiled.

"You can't get rid of me that easily though I'm afraid to say that your friend in the bowtie is still with them." When I said the last bit my smile faded and I pulled away from my best mate. "We need to help him."

"Oh, don't worry, he'll be fine." Rory said whilst engulfing me in one of his big, warm hugs. Rory is amazing. Amy's lucky, I mean, I would never date Rory let alone get engaged to him because I think of him more as a brother but they are so cute together. He really adores her. He literally worships the floor she walks on.

"Did you see those things though, I don't think that any old person could take them on and there was like 20 of them." I didn't really want to tell them that I was a time lord, not just yet anyway. I don't think they'd understand. Amy would be completely freaked and Rory would be too busy trying to keep her safe- and sain- that he wouldn't really care much about me. It wouldn't be the best idea.

"Trust me he'll be fine." Rory said, attempting to be reassuring but it wasn't working at all.

"Your friend might die and it's my fault. I can't let him die. I left him there, his blood is on my hands, and he’ll be killed by those things and..." I paused for a second when I heard a slight shuffle of boots behind me. "And he's stood right behind me isn't he?"

"I am indeed." I heard him say whilst I spun around to see him straightening his bowtie and smirking. That dick! He made me think he was dead.

"You're a dick." I said to him only centimetres in front of my face. Then he did something I totally wasn't expecting; he leant forward and kissed my cheek before pulling away and winking. I huffed and shrugged my shoulders whilst I walked away from him to the door which I guessed Amy and Rory had come through. Though I was annoyed with him, I couldn't help but put an extra sway in my hips as I walked away. I could feel his eyes on me and I smirked; I couldn’t' help it.


I waited outside the Blackpool Tower for about half an hour before the three of them finally emerged. I needed to know who this man was, why he was with my friends and how he'd escaped the Slitheen, alive.

"Okay, so I just have a couple of questions." I said as I saw Amy come out. She looked at me shocked probably because she wasn't expecting me to be here.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2014 ⏰

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