That Time Of The Month (tumblr request)

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Anonymous asked: I know this isn't specific but imagine Robbie comforting and getting you chocolate and pads/tampons while on yourperiod. Thanks i love your blog btw

It was that time of month. God, you hated it. You were probably the most dramatic girl in the world when you got on your periods. You’d complain about the pain and snap a lot. But your boyfriend, Robbie, was the only one who could really deal with it. He was calm and patient.

This time, they (if you know what I’m talking about) were worse than ever. Back pains, stomach pains, headaches, everything! You took pills but even that didn’t do much.

"You okay sweetie?" Robbie asked, rubbing your back.

You burried your face in your hands and shook your head.

"I want to die."

"C’mon, don’t say that!" he said, smiling at you.

He leaned in and quickly kissed your cheek. You always wondered why he was with you. This perfect, sweet and loving guy could be with anyone in the world, but he chose you. He hated when you thought about that, but you couldn’t help it.

He got up from the couch and grabbed his coat and keys.

"I’ll go get you something. You wait right there. The pills are in the bathroom and if you’re hungy you can heat up the bowl of soup I made for you," he told, opening the door and smiling back at you.

You nodded and lied back down on the couch. You tried to fall asleep, but soon enough Robbie was back and he was crouched next to you. In one of his hand he had Oreos and chocolate bars and in the other he had tampons. 

"Robbie?" you mumbled, kind of waking up.

"Here, I got you some chocolate and tampons. I’ll put them in the bathroom," he started to get up to the bathroom. "Oh, and I got some movies out for you."

"Robbie wait," you asked him to stay.

He walked back towards you and you sat up. You grabbed his collar and pressed your lips against his. He was taken aback, but kissed back almost immediately. You were fascinated about how he kissed. He was gentle, but could be forceful at the same time.

He pulled away all too quickly.

"I know you’ll hate me for saying this, but if this is what happens when you get your period, get it more often."

You rolled your eyes and smiled as he walked towards the bathroom to put away the tampons.

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