The Lost Girl

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You’ve been living on your own in Neverland for years and running away form Pan also. He finally finds you one day and things go unexpectedly…


I was walking through the gloomy forest of Neverland that night. Nothing made any sound, even the wind decided to keep silent. I’ve been living in Neverland and fighting for my survival for a couple years now. I knew every plant of Neverland, and knew almost all the hiding places there. Except Pan’s area. I knew better than to venture there. Not that I was scared of him, god no. More or less because I wasn’t even supposed to be here in the first place and because even if I wasn’t scared of him, I knew that he could possibly capture me or even kill me.

I leaned against a tree and sat down, exhausted. I’d hunted all day and was too tired to even walk back to my camp. I knew this was a safe area of Neverland since Pan resided on the other side of the island. I dropped my sword and my bow and arrows next to me and started to close my eyes.

Although I was sort of half sleeping, I knew that I always had to keep an eye open in Neverland. Good thing I was a light sleeper. Suddenly, I heard a tree branch crack and a figure approach me. My eyes flew open and I grabbed my sword, pushing the person against a tree with my sword on their neck. When I finally took a better look at him, I cursed under my breath, not breaking the eye contact.

I had Peter Pan pined against the wall, chuckling and smirking his trademark gloomy smirk. God I hated that smile. 

“What do you want, Pan?” I spat.

“I’ve been looking for you,” he said, still smirking.

I rolled my eyes. “Don’t you have other things to worry about right now? Like the fact that I could slit your throat at any moment?”

“But you won’t. Want to know why?” he started, raising an eyebrow. He leaned in and pushed the sword away. “Because if you do, you’re the one who’ll die.”

I shivered. I pushed my sword away from him and held it tighter. He was right though. No one can kill him except Rumpelstilstkin, for some strange reason.

“How did you know I was here?” I asked him coldly.

“How do you not? You’re not very subtle you know. The boys see you at least every day but you never notice. Except this time it was I.”

“You said you were looking for me, why?” I wanted answers. If I was so incredibly, not subtle, why did he never do anything? If it were anyone else he would’ve captured them or just killed them or even stole their shadow!

He inched closer and I had to look up to him. He was at least 5 inches taller than me, as I was 5 feet 4 and him, well, I guess he was at least 5 feet 9?

“Because you intrigue me. You survived on your own. You fought my lost boys,” he started. “But, you’ve been attacked successfully with dreamshade once. Which means you found the water which also means that you can never leave Neverland."

I sighed. It was true. One of his lost boys attacked me with dreamshade once and I was touched. I walked all over Neverland to find a cure until I found this cave. I was thirsty and pretty much forgot about the dreamshade until I drank it. I never knew I couldn’t leave Neverland since I drank it though.

Now what was he going to do with me?

“I’m not going to kill you. Why would I? You’re brave, smart and a genius. You’re a good asset to my ‘team’.” he said, almost reading my mind.

I chuckled at him. “What if I don’t want to be part of your group?”

He leaned in to me and pressed his lips tenderly against mine. My eyes widened before closing and kissing back. The kiss was not needy or desperate, it was tender and loving and had true feelings behind it. When it was time to pull away (which came all too quickly), he was slightly blushing and smirking.

“How about now?”

“I’ll have to consider it,” I said, teasing him.

He smirked before I took my weapons and walked with him towards his camp.

Peter Pan / Robbie Kay ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now