Modern Music (tumblr request)

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Anonymous asked: Imagine showing Peter modern music and he is fascinated but confused


"Okay Peter. This band is called Imagine Dragons," you said to him, handing over the earphones.

"Why do they want us to imagine dragons? What is this?" he took the earphones.

You were trying (TRYING) to show him some modern music, but Peter didn’t understand anything at the least. He despised Lady Gaga’s name, couldn’t pronounce Avicii properly and called Pitbull a dog. He was so confused, but so cute! His eyebrows were furrowed in utter confusion and his eyes were widening with every note of the song. 

"This isn’t bad but still, I prefer my music," he said, handing the earphones back.

You chuckled and playfully punched him. You changed the track to ‘Demons’ by the same artist and Peter took the ‘weird music making devil’ (as he liked to call earphones). His eyes widened in fascination and soon enough, his feet were pounding with the beat. He smiled, a real, genuine smile. Not those evil, sarcastic and mean smiles, but a happy one. He looked at you and stopped the song (it took him so long to find the pause button though, so he probably finished the song before he could even press pause). 

"I find this song applies to me. To us," he finally said.

You sighed and explained: "Peter, you’re not a demon. Sure, you may be somewhat sarcastic and maybe evil but it’s not like I want you to change. I don’t agree with all your decisions, but if you think its the right thing to do , I’ll support you and I'll never leave you."

He nodded and looked down, smiling. When he finally looked up, you grabbed him by the collar and pressed your lips against his. His eyes widened at the sudden mouvement, but you could feel him relax and kiss back. One of his hands traveled to the back of your head while the other rested on your hip. The kiss was loving, but was there to prove to Peter how much you loved him. You finally pulled away, out of breath, to see him smirking.

"If this is what happens after listening to this," he started. He stole the iPod you had in your hands and stood up next to you. "Then everyday, every hour, and possibly every minute, I will listen to this… sorcery."

You smiled and blushed. He walked away mumbling curses on how to get the darn iPod to open and then try to play a song.

Peter Pan / Robbie Kay ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now