Chapter One (Piper)

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When I was in eighth grade I went to Central City to see the particle accelerator with my friend (Lily Hall) and her mom. It was a birthday present for her. Her mom let her take someone. We were both really into science and stuff. I say were because they're both dead. I'm not though, i am still very much alive. 

We didn't actually go to S.T.A.R. labs because my friend got sick so we stayed in the hotel room and watched it from there. The night the particle accelerator exploded I was painting my nails with holo (that's short for holographic) nail polish while my friend was in the bathroom and her mom was lying down. The nail polish did something to me. It affected me. It changed me. Gave me powers of some sort. When the particle accelerator exploded I remember feeling electricity surge through my body as I was breathing in the air contaminated by the fumes and then nothing.

Next thing I know I wake up in a what looks like Star Labs, but it can't be Star Labs, can it? It in fact was Star Labs. My vision was a little blurry but I saw two women one with curly red hair and one with more freely styled dark hair. Then I slowly sat up and my vision cleared. The women with the dark hair is actually a man. The women with red hair was in fact a women. Then they saw that I was awake and came over to me. After they moved i could see that there was a man in a red suit with a lightning bolt on his chest. I saw the date on a T.V. that was behind them. It had been three and a half years since the day the explosion occurred. I started to ask all the questions running through my mind. Then the women with the red hair said, "Hello my name is Dr. Caitlyn Snow, this is Cisco Ramone,"pointing to the man who I thought was a women. Then she pointed to the man with the lightning bolt saying, "And that is Barry Allen, otherwise known as the Flash, the fastest man alive. You're in S.T.A.R. Labs, when Barry found you had been in a coma for three years. We didn't know if you would ever wake up." I had so many more questions so I started asking them, "Have you contacted my family, where's Lily, where's Mrs.Hall, who's the Flash, why does he have two names-" then I was cut off by Cisco. "We did look up your family..." then he trailed off. "They're dead Piper" after Caitlyn said that I was shut off from the outside world. I didn't understand. I couldn't comprehend what she was saying to me. I thought they were lying and my family was alive and they were in the other room or something. Then I realized that they wouldn't lie to a girl in a coma. I started to tear up. Then I ran out of the room thing we were in. I found an empty hallway and I slid down the wall and started balling my eyes out. As I was doing this I realized that I was there for like three minutes, then I felt a gush of wind and it was Barry (who was supposedly the fastest man alive) got there after I did! I'd also like to remind you I had run pretty far down the hall. I looked up to see Barry staring at me in awe. "Piper, I need you to come back to the cortex with me, I think you might be like me. I think you might have powers."

*I hope you guys enjoyed. This is my first book. I'm going to try to write longer chapters. Please  comment, vote, share,  and follow for more chapters.  

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