Chapter Three

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Barry held out his hand - that were very dry I might add - and helped me up off the floor. We walked back to the cortex, I guess that's what that room thing I woke up in is called, and all Caitlyn and Cisco said is, "Barry do you really think she's a speedster?" Then Barry said something like well it's not like i was jogging down the hallway. He said this in a very sarcastic tone of voice. Then I finally started rambling off a lot more questions,"What's a speedster? Is that a bad thing? Is there something wrong with me? Do you have any fo-" that's where Caitlyn cut me off. "Piper I don't know if I have the answers to those questions yet. But yes you probably need a snack." "Me too!" Caitlyn just looked at Barry, "Please?" "Come on Piper let's go get you a snack, Barry if you want something you can come too I'm not paying for you though." When my vision was blurry and they were talking to Barry, he was eating and that was like twenty minutes ago. "Didn't you just eat," I turned and said to Barry as we were leaving S.T.A.R. Labs with Caitlyn and Cisco, "yeah, but when you're a speedster your metabolism is so fast i have to eat basically nonstop." Barry said in a goofy tone. It was silent until we got to a S.T.A.R. Labs van and Barry turned to Caitlyn and Cisco and said, "Why don't we go to Joe's place and get a snack. I think Joe's house and Piper obviously needs a place to stay, so I can talk to him about that." We all got in the van and Barry and Cisco got in front and Caitlyn and I got in the back.

When we got to this Joe person's house Barry rang the door bell. then a darker skinned girl (probably around Barry's age) opened the door. When she saw it was Barry she exclaimed "Barry!" and gave him a hug and started kissing. I don't know why i said what I did but I said, "Get a room!" They stopped kissing and the girl said, "What are you guys doing here?" "Um... well I'm sure you can see that Piper is awake, and she needed food and we knew Joe was here, but what are you doing here?" Barry said in a regular tone. "I came by to get some things I missed when I was packing up my room," the girl said. Then Barry turned to me and realized I had a very confused look on my face. Then Caitlyn said informed me that the girl was Barry's kind of sister/best friend/girlfriend Iris West and that we were at her Father's house, Joe West. Then a tall dark man came to the door, I assumed this was Joe, and started to say, "Iris who's at th- Barry, Caitlyn, Cisco, Hey!" Then he noticed me. He didn't even address me, and I know what you're thinking he probably didn't know who I am. I know he knew who I was because of the look on his face, and what he said next. "Barry she woke up." then Barry nodded and everybody went inside. Iris took me into the kitchen and asked me what I wanted to eat, "I don't know I haven't eaten in three and a half years," I said trying to make a joke and instead I ended up being super awkward. She asked if I liked pop tarts, and all I could say was, "Hell Yeah!" She kind of looked at me like ok weirdo.

I ended up eating 4 pop tarts, a pound of celery, and 14 glasses of water. As I come out of the kitchen from stuffing my face Barry, joe, and iris are talking. At this point I have know clue where Cisco and Caitlyn are. Then Barry looks up and says that I'd be staying with joe and wally. He says this as iris holds out her hand. I take it and she leads me to a room. She opens the door and says, "this was my room but then Barry and I got a place together. So please make yourself comfortable." At this point it was kind of late in the afternoon and I wasn't tired since i had been asleep for three and a half years.

"Hey iris" "yeah Piper?" i had just looked down and realized that i was wearing the high-waisted leggings and sports bra (my shirt was missing probably do to the fact that i had sensors hooked up to me) that i was wearing the night of the explosion. I also noticed something that wasn't there before... I had abs, and jacked arms. Before the eplosion i was ather chubby with like no muscles. "Um, uh do uyou have any clean clothe i could borrow til i..." I trailed because then i remembered my family was dead. I raced past Iris down the stairs to the living room. I said, interrupting everyone, "Do I have any family left." Barry turned to look at me, "Piper, about that-" "No don't dodge the question! Do i have ANY family left at all" i had cut him of because at this point i needed to know. "no," Barry said. "What happened to them?" Barry then proceeded to tell me that my whole home town was destroyed by a tornado and that there were very few survivors. This meant i was an orphan. But then after a minute of me standing there with a blank expression barry said, "When we looked up your family we also discovered that you were declared dead." "So not only am I an orphan but im technically dead too?" "yes i suppose," which was Caitlyn's response to the situation.

At this point I was feeling so many different emotions. Next thing I knew there was a burst of bright light and energy.

Barry's POV

After Iris took Piper upstairs to where she would being staying for the time being. I was talking to Joe and Iris about how I think Piper is like me, but different.

Then she came storming down the stairs asking about her family and when I told her what happened to them she became so overwhelmed with emotions that she started shot out a big burst of energy that looked to be the same lightning that happened when she ran down the hallway.

Hey guys so i know I'm the worst at posting but I want to get better but seeing how school and sports start in a week I don't know how often I will be posting. I really do love writing this and I hope you guys enjoy reading. So I will try my best. Please give me feedback on the story.
- G

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2017 ⏰

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