Chapter 7

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I watched as everyone turned to him, the dead corpse. "I am the new leader and as of now my order for you is to get the girl that killed our leader." The general said.  They all turned to me so I ran and ran until I went into the place that I call my humble abode. Actually it is where most of the elves here live anyway.

Legolas came back inside, seeing that the orcs were very hurtful. He was waiting right by his Dad's throne. His Dad was hiding, of course, not wanting to be killed. "L-legolas. They w-want to k-kill me." I sobbed, but stayed my distance. Oh what the Hell he knows we are just friends anyways. I got closer and he pulled me closer, comforting me. I hugged him and sobbed. That is when I heard a scream of agony from him. I looked up to see him not there, but rather on the floor with his calves cut.

"Come with us or we will hurt your little prince." The general said to me. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Legolas. Don't come for me unless you won't be hurt yourself. I want the rest of you to live, even if I don't goodbye." I said and that general cuffed me. I elbowed him in the gut and laughed. That is when he cuffed my foot and his foot together.

"So you don't try to outrun us." He explained and I gulped. "Don't worry we only killed the elves that you saw killed. We told them all we wanted was a weapon and once you killed our leader, we knew it was you. They gladly let us step in and take you."

I took my free leg and kicked him in the shin. I just then remembered that everyone else was ahead of us and only a guard and the general was there. I took my bow with one hand and when I tried to get an arrow that is when I remembered I was cuffed together. I put the bow back over my head and kept walking until we got to the door of the hide-out. The general whispered a password and pulled me inside.

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