Chapter 16

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"Hello Ms. Mathers, I hear that this is your first appointment with us," the nurse greeted as she Brett and I approached her after she called my name. It's been a month since the day we talked about what we wanted to do.

I nodded with a small smile on my face. "Yes. It is. Last month, probably about April 11th or 12 I had realized that I was about two weeks late... I took a pregnancy test at home that came out positive and we weren't able to schedule another appointment until this week," I informed the nurse as she took us back into the area.

"Alright. Now, if you two could please come into this room so I can ask you a few questions before the doctor comes in," The nurse informed and motioned to the room for us to go into. We walked in and I sat down on the examination table, Brett sat in the chair next to it.

"Okay, now What is your full name hun," She asked me and looked up from her paper on her clipboard.

"Caroline Marie Mathers, and I was born on March 10th 1988," I informed with a sigh as I gabbed Brett's hand in mine. I was nervous and his hand in mine made me feel calmer.

"Okay.... That was all that I actually needed to know! Dr. Nelson will be in with you in a few minutes, just hang tight," She informed as she turned to walk out of the room with a smile still playing on her face.

When she walked out she closed the door and left Brett and I sitting there, both nervous out of our minds. "Are you sure you're okay with us keeping it," I asked as I glanced over at him with a shaky breath.

He looked up at me with his dazzling blue eyes and nodded. "Yes. I've had a lot of time to think about it... And you've convinced me. I love you so much and I honestly cannot wait to have a little you or a little me around the house as cliche as it sounds" Brett informed with a small chuckle as he leaned up and placed his lips on mine.

"I love you too," I mumbled and gripped his hand tighter. "And thank you. We all have to make sacrifices sometimes. I completely owe you. You're the best."

"You're welcome. It... It takes two to tango," He replied calmly as the doctor knocked on the door and walked into the room. I gave Brett a 'oh god' look. He nodded at me reassuring that it was all going to be okay.  

"Hello Ms. Mathers! It's a pleasure to meet you! I am Doctor Nelson and I will be your doctor throughout the entire process of having a child," He greeted as he walked in and shook my hand.

"Hi Dr. Nelson! It's nice to meet you too! This is my boyfriend, Brett," I introduced Brett and nodded over to him.

Brett removed his hand from mine and shook the doctor's hand. "Alright. It appears that you claim you are about two months along," The doctor began as he looked down at his notes.

I nodded and replied, "Yep! That's right! I've missed two periods thus far."

"Alright, why don't we perform an ultrasound and see the exact date of conception and then we can calculate the due date," He informed as he rolled a machine over to me. "Okay, so if you could pull your shirt up and move your waist band down for me."

I looked over at Brett and laid back on the bed, still holding Brett's hand. "This will be a little cold," He Informed and squirted some gel into my stomach and then spread it with the wand.

The doc took a second and looked at the screen, then turned it toward us. There was a small little glob on the screen. "That, right there," he pointed to the glob, "is your baby. Based on the size of it... I'd say the date of conception was... March 23rd. So, I'd say your due date is... December 17th."

I looked over at Brett when the doctor said March 23rd. That was his birthday... And that sounds just about right. Brett's blue eyes were glued on the screen, he was in awe. This may be the best thing that's ever happened to me, mistake or not.

When the two of us were done with the appointment and I was prescribed a few prescriptions we went to the car and sat there for a second. "So," I mumbled and looked over at Brett with both eyebrows raised.

He looked over at me with a smirk. "My birthday, huh? That's gonna be quite the story for our little one," he mentioned with a chuckle. His blue eyes were full of amusement.

I giggled and grabbed his hand. "I love you. And to be honest... It's a little crazy to know we'll have our own family by christmas time next year," I confessed as Brett pulled out of the parking lot.

"I agree, hun. I still cannot believe it either. Do you think Edgar will be able to adjust to someone new being around the house? Especially a baby," Brett asked in concern as he lightly gripped my hand. "And I'll be going on tour soon. I'll be gone for months four and five... And then the second half of six and all of seven... And then I have the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade three weeks before you're due."

I sighed. "I think I can handle the house until you get back. As long as you're there for the birth... I'm happy. You've gotta do what you gotta do Brett," I responded and looked down at my now flat stomach.

"I know that... But I don't want to leave you behind," Brett confessed and brought my hand up to his mouth where he placed a light kiss on it. "And... Will you be able to take care of Eddie when you're three weeks from being due?"

I shrugged my shoulders and looked over at Brett. "As long as I know you're coming home, then I'll be fine, Brett."

"God, I love you," Brett whispered, he had a large goofy smile playing on his face. 

"I love you too Brett. You've no clue," I replied and placed my free hand on my stomach.

Never Be The Same (Brett Eldredge)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang