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"Brett! I know you want him to play baseball, but he can't even walk yet! Get that stuffed baseball out of Bentley's hand," I scolded as I looked gave look a Brett a look from the otherwise of the couch.

Brett shook his head and looked up at me with smile on his face, "Shush. Plus it'll help him with his strength..."

I shook my head at him. "Only you Brett. You have to wait a few more years to play catch with him! He won't be able to do it now," I exclaimed and scooched over so my head was resting on Brett's shoulder and we were both looking down at Bentley who was looking back up at us with eyes just like his father.

"I know," Brett whispered and leaned over a little to place a kiss on my temple. "God, he's so great, C. He has my eyes and your cute little nose... And I think his hair is gonna get darker just like both of ours." Brett brushed at Bentley's soft blonde hair.

I smiled again and reached to boop Bentley's nose. "I can't believe he's already three weeks! I also can't believe that next week will be his first Christmas," I noted aloud and continued to look down at our son who was drifting off.

"I know. To think, yesterday was supposed to be his due date. What do you say, we put him down for his nap and then we relax down here and watch Rudolph," Brett asked as he turned his head toward me and raised his eyebrows.

I giggled at him, "yeah, that sounds great. We could use some us time." I leaned away from Brett and laid back on the couch as he stood up and carefully carried Bentley up the stairs.

I leaned over to the coffee table and turned on the baby monitor only to hear Brett mumbling to Bentley, "Goodnight buddy... Even though it's midday... I hope you have a great nap... I love you."

A minute later Brett came tromping down the stairs with a warm smile playing on his face. He sat down and instantly pulled me into his side. "I love you Caroline," He whispered and kissed my temple.

I smiled and wrapped my arm around his torso, resting my head on his chest. "I'm so tired," I mumbled into his chest.

Brett placed his hand on my back and rubbed soothing circles on my back. "I'll tell you what, I'll talk to my parents and get them to watch him for a night... And then you and I can spend a night in Chicago together... And then catch up on some sleep as well," Brett offered and let out a sigh.

I pulled away and leaned up to place a light kiss on his lips. "I love you Brett," I told him and stared into his eyes. "Now, I'm going to take a nap in your arms," I informed and placed my head back on his chest while closing my eyes.

"You do that Hun. Because I'll probably do the same. Especially after Bent keeping us up all night," Brett whispered and adjusted us so he was laying on his back and I was laying on my stomach on top of him.

I began to drift off to the sound of Brett's heart beat and his rising and falling chest.

"Brett get him," I mumbled and closed my eyes harder when I heard Bentley crying through the baby monitor.

Brett's sleepy voice whispered, "One, you're on top of me and two... It's your turn."

I sighed and opened my eyes to see Brett still leaning back on the couch with his eyes closed. "Let go of me and I'll grab him," I told him. Brett chuckle with his eyes still closed and let go of me. I slowly rolled off of him and rubbed my eyes, "Thank you." He grunted and I made my way up the stairs.

When I got to the nursery Bentley was laying in his crib crying loudly. "Awe, Baby boy," I said and leaned down to pick him up. "Sh sh sh. You gotta be a good boy and sleep for daddy and I. I know you don't like being alone... But... Daddy and I need our sleep too."

Bentley's cries slowed and he looked up at me with his watery blue eyes. I wiped his tears away and poked his nose lightly, he giggled up at me.

"There he is," I told him softly, "There's my baby boys smile!" He just continued smiling up at me. I smiled back. "Now you go back to sleep so Daddy and I can take a nap too." I began rocking him and slowly watched him fall asleep in my arms.

I leaned down and carefully placed him in his crib, pecking the top of his forehead lightly. "I love you, Bentley."

Once I made sure he was asleep I yawned and turned off the lights, making my way down the steps and back to Brett who was still laying on the couch, only on his phone now.

When I came around the couch he leaned over and placed his phone down on the floor, motioning for me to come over by him. I laid down on him like I was earlier and looked him dead in the eyes.

"I love you," I told him and placed a quick peck on his lips.

Brett smiled back up at me and shook his head quickly, "I love you too... But... I hate to break it to you... I love you more!"

I giggled and tapped his nose, "That is so not true! There is no way that you could love me more than I love you!"

Brett grabbed my wrists shook his head at me. "Do you really want to fight about this," Brett asked in a seductive voice. "Because I could only see this turning out one way."

I shot him a sarcastic look, "And what way would that be, Mr. Eldredge?"

Brett didn't even reply, he instantly smashed his lips into mine and let go of my wrists. I pulled away and smiled down at his already smiling face. "God, I love you, Brett. I knew I would Never Be The Same the moment I locked my eyes with your shocking blue ones."

"I can't wait to marry you," Brett mumbled between kisses.

"Who ever said I'd marry you," I asked and raised an eyebrow.

Brett chuckled. "You know you will, Hun, you know you will!"

Aaaaaand it's over! I hope y'all enjoyed this book! I have a sequel up! Its called "I Woke Up" Hope y'all will follow along and like it! :) 

ALSO. Happy Holidays!

-JJ :)

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