Chapter 17

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I sighed as I laid on the couch with Edgar. He was resting his body in my legs and his head was lightly resting on my now rounded stomach. I placed my hand in his head and scratched it. His puppy dog eyes were looking up at me in sadness.

"Hey Bud, are you excited to see daddy when he comes home later today? Cuz I am. I know he misses you, and I can tell that you miss him," I whispered. His eyebrows just perked up a bit telling me he was listening.

I yawned and slowly fell asleep from the comfort of having Edgar with me. My buddy, my partner in crime.

When I woke up Edgar was no longer on my lap looking up on me and Brett's favorite Christmas blanket was draped over me. I looked down at is and then my eyes went wide. Brett took it on tour with him.

I quickly threw it off of me and looked around the living room and into the kitchen. Nothing Edgar wasn't anywhere in site. With my heart pounding I made my way up the stairs as fast as my swollen feet and ankles would let me. When I got upstairs I went straight to Brett and I's bedroom.

Brett was standing at the bed with his back to me folding my clothes that I was behind on folding. I stopped in the doorway and folded my arms, leaning against the doorframe.

"Hey Babe," I said quietly as he froze and turned around to look at me with the biggest smile ever on his face.

He quickly strides toward me and instantly engulfed me in the biggest hug I've ever gotten. "I've missed you so much, Hun! Oh my gosh," Brett mumbled into my hair and he tightened his grip a little.

"I've miss you too Brett! Face time isn't the same as you being here in person," I cried into his chest as I hugged him back tightly.

I pulled away and looked him in his blue eyes then leaned up to place my lips on his. When we pulled away he was smiling his charming smile down at me. He pulled away from me completely and looked me up and down. "You're getting so big! It's amazing. I can't wait until it's here," Brett exclaimed and placed his large hand on my bulge.

I looked down and placed my hand on his. "I know! It's been kicking a lot lately. It's so crazy," I told him and looked up into his loving eyes.

"I love you so much," He whispered and leaned down to kiss my lips again. The two of us were standing there kissing when Edgar came up and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the two of us together.

He began barking up a storm and the next thing I know is is Brett was being pulled away from me. "Woah there! Not biting bud! That is not cool," Edgar let go of the back of Brett's shirt and stood in between Brett and I baring his teeth at Brett and growling.

"Woah," I mumbled and squatted down to Edgar's level, wrapping my arms around his torso, "You need to chill! It's only daddy!"

Edgar stopped growling and began licking my face. "Jeez bud, what is up with you," Brett asked as he took a step toward us so he could squat down to our level. Edgar began growling again. Brett took a step back.

Brett shook his head and went back to sit on the bed. "He's so territorial over you! It's not fair," Brett joked and gave me a fake sad look.

"Hey Edgar, how about you go down stairs and then we can play outside," I asked him and slowly released him. He looked up at me and barked, then ran through the door and down the stairs.

I smiled in the direction he ran and walked to the door, closing it shut. Brett raised an eyebrow at me, "uh?"

I walked over to him and sat in his lap... "I've been waiting to lay down and snuggle with you for two months now," I mumbled as we pushed the folded clothes behind us aside and I laid with my head on his chest. His heartbeat was so calming.

"I've missed you so much, C. I've missed our us time too. We won't be having much of that once the little one gets here," He whispered and placed his hand on top of my stomach. The baby began to kick lightly at his hand. "Wow. That is amazing."

I smiled down at his hand resting there. "I know. When Edgar rests his head on my stomach the baby always thumps at it," I responded and closed my eyes. "Remember we have a doctors appointment at 4:30." I drifted off to the sound of Brett's heartbeat.

"Hey, Caroline, it's time to get up! We have the appointment soon," Brett's voice whispered in my ear.

I opened my eyes and saw that we were still on the bed and my head was still resting on his chest. I sighed and sat up, "Oh god. I'm so tired."

Brett chuckled, "Aren't you glad you don't currently have a job?"

I rolled my eyes at him and walked over to the closet to grab a hoodie. It may be September but it's extremely cold out.

When we got to the car Brett pulled out of the driveway and looked over at me, "Will we be finding out the gender today?"

I nodded and stood a sip from the water that was in the cup holder. "Yeah, as long as it's in the correct position that the Doc can see it," I replied and placed my hand on my stomach.

"Gosh, that's so awesome. I can't wait," Brett informed as he slowly pulled into the parking lot to the doctors. It's extremely helpful to have the doctor right down the street.

I smiled over at him as he pulled into a parking spot up near the front building. When we got out Brett placed his arm around my waist too keep me supported.

As soon as the nurse called Brett and I in we practically ran to the nurse. "So, six month check up! You can probably find out the gender," she informed with a bright smile playing on her face. "Alright, I will leave you two here. The doctor will be in in a few minutes!"

Brett and I sat there smiling at each other. "What do you think it is," I asked as I looked over at him with an eyebrow raised.

He gripped my hand and smiled back at me, "I think it's gonna be a boy. And I know that you want a baby boy because that's always been your dream."

I gripped his hand a little more. "Yeah, I always have. You know why," I asked giving him a serious look. He raised an eyebrow in response. "Because I've always hated the fake girls that I see all the damn time. I won't have to worry about my son being fake."

Brett gave me a pointed look. "That's true. I guess we'll find out what we have to deal with in a few minutes, now won't we," Brett asked as his blue eyes peered up at me.

Just as if on cue the doctor came in with a large smile on his face, "Hello you two! Are you ready to find out the gender of your little one today?!"

Brett and I nodded together as the doctor rolled his machine over, "Alright Caroline! You know the routine!"

I pulled up my shirt and rolled my waist band down then reattached or hands. The doctor squirted the gel and spread it, then turned the screen toward us. "Alright, it looks perfectly healthy. Now, you two are ready for this, right," The doctor asked as he looked from me to Brett and then back to me.

We both nodded quickly. "Congratulations! You are having a baby boy," The doctor exclaimed. I looked over at Brett and let a few tears run down my cheeks. His eyes were getting wet too.

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